File Store
FileStore is a module for storing and sharing data on the Coop to use in EDSL projects, such as survey data, PDFs, CSVs, docs or images. It can be particularly useful for storing data intended to be used with surveys as Scenario objects, such as in data labeling tasks, and allows you to include code for retrieving and processing the data files in your EDSL project to facilitate collaboration and replication of results.
File types
The following file types are currently supported by the FileStore:
PNG (image)
Posting a file
To post a file, import the FileStore type (CSVFileStore, PDFFileStore or PNGFileStore) and create an object with the path to the file. Then call the push method to store the file on the Coop and get a URL and uuid for accessing it. You can optionally pass a description and visibility parameter to the push method (Coop objects can be public, private or unlisted by default).
CSV example
from edsl.scenarios.FileStore import CSVFileStore
fs = CSVFileStore("example.csv")
info = fs.push()
print(info) # display the URL and Coop uuid of the stored file for retrieving it later
Example output (showing the default description and visibility setting):
{'description': 'File: example.csv',
'object_type': 'scenario',
'url': '',
'uuid': '4531d6ac-5425-4c93-aa02-07c1fa64aaa3',
'version': '0.1.33.dev1',
'visibility': 'unlisted'}
PDF example
from edsl.scenarios.FileStore import PDFFileStore
fs = PDFFileStore("top_secret.pdf")
info = fs.push()
print(info) # display the URL and Coop uuid of the stored file for retrieving it later
Example output:
{'description': 'File: top_secret.pdf',
'object_type': 'scenario',
'url': '',
'uuid': 'a6231668-3166-4741-93d8-f3248b91660f',
'version': '0.1.33.dev1',
'visibility': 'unlisted'}
PNG example
from edsl.scenarios.FileStore import PNGFileStore
fs = PNGFileStore("parrot_logo.png")
info = fs.push()
print(info) # display the URL and Coop uuid of the stored file for retrieving it later
Example output:
{'description': 'File: parrot_logo.png',
'object_type': 'scenario',
'url': '',
'uuid': '148e6320-5642-486c-9332-a6d30be0daae',
'version': '0.1.33.dev1',
'visibility': 'unlisted'}
Retrieving and using a file
To retrieve a file, create a FileStore object (CSVFileStore, PDFFileStore or PNGFileStore) and pass it the Coop uuid of the file you want to retrieve and the Expected Parrot URL. Then call the pull method to retrieve the file from the Coop.
Once retrieved, a file can be converted into scenarios by calling the relevant method on a ScenarioList object:
ScenarioList.from_csv() for CSV files
ScenarioList.from_pdf() for PDF files
ScenarioList.from_image() for PNG files
CSV example
Here we retrieve the CSV file posted above and then convert it into a ScenarioList object with the from_csv() method. The keys are the column names of the CSV file, which can be modified with the rename method.
from edsl.scenarios.FileStore import CSVFileStore
from edsl import ScenarioList
csv_file = CSVFileStore.pull("4531d6ac-5425-4c93-aa02-07c1fa64aaa3", expected_parrot_url="")
scenarios = ScenarioList.from_csv(csv_file.to_tempfile())
PDF example
Here we retrieve the PDF file posted above and then convert it into a ScenarioList object with the from_pdf() method. The default keys are filename, page, text, which can be modified with the rename method.
from edsl.scenarios.FileStore import PDFFileStore
from edsl import ScenarioList
pdf_file = PDFFileStore.pull("a6231668-3166-4741-93d8-f3248b91660f", expected_parrot_url="")
scenario = ScenarioList.from_pdf(pdf_file.to_tempfile())
To inspect the keys:
{'filename', 'page', 'text'}
PNG example
Here we retrieve the PNG file posted above and then convert it into a ScenarioList object with the from_image() method. We can optionally pass the name of a key to use for the scenario object, or edit the key later.
from edsl.scenarios.FileStore import PNGFileStore
from edsl import Scenario
png_file = PNGFileStore.pull("148e6320-5642-486c-9332-a6d30be0daae", expected_parrot_url="")
scenario = Scenario.from_image(png_file.to_tempfile(), "parrot_logo") # including a key for the scenario object
Working with scenarios
Before using the scenario, we can verify the key and value of the scenario object (e.g., by printing), and rename the key as desired to use in survey questions.
For a single Scenario we can check the key:
(For a ScenarioList object, we can call the parameters method to get the keys.)
If the key is parrot_logo and you want to rename it logo:
scenario = scenario.rename({"parrot_logo": "logo"})
To use it in a question, the question should be parameterized with the key:
from edsl import QuestionFreeText
q = QuestionFreeText(
question_name = "test",
question_text = "What is the logo of the company? {{ logo }}"
results =
Example notebook
The following notebook at the Coop includes the above code examples:
FileStore class
- class edsl.scenarios.FileStore.CSVFileStore(path: str | None = None, mime_type: str | None = None, binary: bool | None = None, suffix: str | None = None, base64_string: str | None = None, external_locations: Dict[str, str] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
- class edsl.scenarios.FileStore.FileStore(path: str | None = None, mime_type: str | None = None, binary: bool | None = None, suffix: str | None = None, base64_string: str | None = None, external_locations: Dict[str, str] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
- __init__(path: str | None = None, mime_type: str | None = None, binary: bool | None = None, suffix: str | None = None, base64_string: str | None = None, external_locations: Dict[str, str] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
Initialize a new Scenario.
# :param data: A dictionary of keys/values for parameterizing questions. #
- classmethod example(example_type='text')[source]
Returns an example Scenario instance.
- Parameters:
randomize – If True, adds a random string to the value of the example key.
- classmethod from_dict(d)[source]
Convert a dictionary to a scenario.
>>> Scenario.from_dict({"food": "wood chips"}) Scenario({'food': 'wood chips'})
- classmethod from_url(url: str, download_path: str | None = None, mime_type: str | None = None) FileStore [source]
- Parameters:
url – The URL of the file to download.
download_path – The path to save the downloaded file.
mime_type – The MIME type of the file. If None, it will be guessed from the file extension.
- property path: str[source]
Property that returns a valid path to the file content. If the original path doesn’t exist, generates a temporary file from the base64 content.
- classmethod pull(uuid: str, expected_parrot_url: str | None = None) FileStore [source]
- Parameters:
uuid – The UUID of the object to pull.
expected_parrot_url – The URL of the Parrot server to use.
- Returns:
The object pulled from the Parrot server.
- class edsl.scenarios.FileStore.HTMLFileStore(path: str | None = None, mime_type: str | None = None, binary: bool | None = None, suffix: str | None = None, base64_string: str | None = None, external_locations: Dict[str, str] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
- class edsl.scenarios.FileStore.PDFFileStore(path: str | None = None, mime_type: str | None = None, binary: bool | None = None, suffix: str | None = None, base64_string: str | None = None, external_locations: Dict[str, str] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
- class edsl.scenarios.FileStore.PNGFileStore(path: str | None = None, mime_type: str | None = None, binary: bool | None = None, suffix: str | None = None, base64_string: str | None = None, external_locations: Dict[str, str] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
- class edsl.scenarios.FileStore.SQLiteFileStore(path: str | None = None, mime_type: str | None = None, binary: bool | None = None, suffix: str | None = None, base64_string: str | None = None, external_locations: Dict[str, str] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]