Google Form -> EDSL

This notebook provides example EDSL code for converting a non-EDSL survey into in an EDSL survey. This can be useful for accessing EDSL’s built-in methods for analyzing survey data, and extending it with responses simulated with AI agents and diverse large language models.

EDSL is an open-source library for simulating surveys, experiments and other research with AI agents and large language models. Before running the code below, please ensure that you have installed the EDSL library and either activated remote inference from your Coop account or stored API keys for the language models that you want to use with EDSL. Please also see our documentation page for tips and tutorials on getting started using EDSL.

Designing the task as an EDSL survey

We design the task as an EDSL survey about the survey to be converted: a series of questions prompting a language model to read and reformat the contents of a given survey. The formatted responses of the language model are readily usable components of a new EDSL survey that can be administered to AI agents and/or human audiences.

Creating a meta-survey

We start by selecting appropriate question types for reformatting the contents of a given survey. EDSL comes with many common question types that we can choose from based on the form of the response that we want to get back from a model: multiple choice, checkbox, free text, linear scale, etc.

Here we use QuestionList to return information about all the questions in the survey at once, as a list. We create a sequence of questions, using the response to one question as an input to the next question. This step-wise approach can improve performance by allowing a model to focus on distinct tasks, and also allow us to pinpoint modifications to instructions as needed (some models will perform better and need fewer instructions than others). Note that we use a {{ placeholder }} for the text of the survey to be reformatted that we want to add to the initial question, which allows us to reuse it with other content (e.g., another survey):

from edsl import QuestionList

First we ask the model to return just the questions from the survey:

q1 = QuestionList(
    You are being asked to extract questions from the text of a survey.
    Read the text and then return a list of all the questions in the
    order that you find them. Return only the list of questions.
    Survey: {{ text }}

Next we ask the model to format the questions as dictionaries, and specify the question text and type:

q2 = QuestionList(
    Now create a dictionary for each question, using keys 'question_text' and 'question_type'.
    The value for 'question_text' is the question text you already identified.
    The value for 'question_type' should be the most appropriate of the following types:
    'multiple_choice', 'checkbox', 'linear_scale' or 'free_text'.
    Return only the list of dictionaries you have created, with the 2 key/value pairs for each question.

Next we ask the model to add the question options (if any):

q3 = QuestionList(
    Now add a key 'question_options' to each dictionary for all questions that are not free text,
    with a value that is a list of the answer options for the question.
    Preserve any integer options as integers, not strings.
    If there are labels for linear scale answer options then add another key 'option_labels'
    with a value that is a dictionary: the keys are the relevant integers and the values are the labels.
    Return only the list of dictionaries you have created with all relevant key/value pairs for each question.

Finally, we ask the model to give each question a name:

q4 = QuestionList(
    Now add a key 'question_name' to each dictionary.
    The value should be a unique short pythonic string.
    Return only the list of dictionaries that you have created,
    with all the key/value pairs for each question.

Next we combine the questions into a Survey in order to administer them together. We add a “memory” of each prior question in the survey so that the model will have the context and its answers on hand when answering each successive question:

from edsl import Survey
survey = Survey(questions = [q1, q2, q3, q4]).set_full_memory_mode()

Adding content to questions

Next we create a Scenario object for the contents of a (non-EDSL) survey to be inserted in the first question. This allows us to reuse the questions with other content. Learn more about using scenarios to scale data labeling and other tasks.

Here we create a scenario for a Google Form (a customer feedback survey) that we have stored as a publicly-accessible PDF at the Coop.

Code for posting a PDF to the Coop (uncomment and run with your own file):

# from edsl.scenarios.FileStore import PDFFileStore
# fs = PDFFileStore("customer_feedback_survey.pdf")
# info = fs.push()
# print(info)

Retrieving a file (replace with UUID of desired object):

from edsl.scenarios.FileStore import PDFFileStore
pdf_file = PDFFileStore.pull("0059a1a8-e5ff-4f19-a2bf-7cf1b98e4baf", expected_parrot_url="")

Creating a scenario for the content:

from edsl import Scenario
s = Scenario.from_pdf(pdf_file.to_tempfile())

Alternative code for creating a scenario from a local file:

# s = Scenario.from_pdf("customer_feedback_survey.pdf") # replace with your own local file

Inspecting the scenario that has been created:

    "filename": "tmpj5h1v_bs.pdf",
    "text": "Customer feedback survey\n\n1.\nEmail *\n\n2.\n\nHow did you first hear about our company?\n\nMark only one oval.\n\nSocial media\n\nOnline search\n\nFriend/family recommendation\n\nAdvertisement\n\nOther\n\n3.\n\nWhich of the following services have you used?\n\nCheck all that apply.\n\nProduct support\n\nOnline ordering\n\nIn-store shopping\n\nDelivery services\n\nLoyalty program\n\n4.\n\nOn a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with our customer service?\n\nMark only one oval.\n\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n\nNot at all satisfied\n\nVery satisfied\n\n5.\n\nHow many times have you purchased from us in the past year?\n\n6.\n\nPlease provide any additional comments or suggestions you have.\n\nThis content is neither created nor endorsed by Google.\n\n\u00a0Forms\n\n"

Selecting language models

EDSL works with many popular language models that we can select to use in generating survey responses. You can provide your own API keys for models or activate remote inference to run surveys at the Expected Parrot server with any available models. Learn more about working with language models and using remote inference.

from edsl import ModelList, Model

To see a list of all available models:

# Model.available()

Here we select several models to compare their responses:

models = ModelList(
    Model(m) for m in ["gemini-pro", "gpt-4o", "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620"]

Running a survey

Next we add the scenario and models to the survey and run it. This generates a dataset of Results that we can access with built-in methods for analysis. Learn more about working with results.

results =

To see a list of all the components of the results that have been generated:

# results.columns

We can filter, sort, select and print components in a table:

    .select("model", "q_name") #"q_text", "q_type", "q_options", "q_name")
┃ model                       answer                                                                             ┃
┃ .model                      .q_name                                                                            ┃
│ claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620  [{'question_text': 'How did you first hear about our company?', 'question_type':   │
│                             'multiple_choice', 'question_options': ['Social media', 'Online search',           │
│                             'Friend/family recommendation', 'Advertisement', 'Other'], 'question_name':        │
│                             'hear_about_company'}, {'question_text': 'Which of the following services have you │
│                             used?', 'question_type': 'checkbox', 'question_options': ['Product support',       │
│                             'Online ordering', 'In-store shopping', 'Delivery services', 'Loyalty program'],   │
│                             'question_name': 'services_used'}, {'question_text': 'On a scale from 1 to 5, how  │
│                             satisfied are you with our customer service?', 'question_type': 'linear_scale',    │
│                             'question_options': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'option_labels': {'1': 'Not at all            │
│                             satisfied', '5': 'Very satisfied'}, 'question_name':                               │
│                             'customer_service_satisfaction'}, {'question_text': 'How many times have you       │
│                             purchased from us in the past year?', 'question_type': 'free_text',                │
│                             'question_name': 'purchase_frequency'}, {'question_text': 'Please provide any      │
│                             additional comments or suggestions you have.', 'question_type': 'free_text',       │
│                             'question_name': 'additional_comments'}]                                           │
│ gemini-pro                  [{'question_text': 'How did you first hear about our company?', 'question_type':   │
│                             'multiple_choice', 'question_options': ['Social media', 'Online search',           │
│                             'Friend/family recommendation', 'Advertisement', 'Other'], 'question_name': 'q1'}, │
│                             {'question_text': 'Which of the following services have you used?',                │
│                             'question_type': 'checkbox', 'question_options': ['Product support', 'Online       │
│                             ordering', 'In-store shopping', 'Delivery services', 'Loyalty program'],           │
│                             'question_name': 'q2'}, {'question_text': 'On a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfied   │
│                             are you with our customer service?', 'question_type': 'linear_scale',              │
│                             'question_options': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'option_labels': {'1': 'Not at all            │
│                             satisfied', '5': 'Very satisfied'}, 'question_name': 'q3'}, {'question_text': 'How │
│                             many times have you purchased from us in the past year?', 'question_type':         │
│                             'free_text', 'question_name': 'q4'}, {'question_text': 'Please provide any         │
│                             additional comments or suggestions you have.', 'question_type': 'free_text',       │
│                             'question_name': 'q5'}]                                                            │
│ gpt-4o                      [{'question_text': 'How did you first hear about our company?', 'question_type':   │
│                             'multiple_choice', 'question_options': ['Social media', 'Online search',           │
│                             'Friend/family recommendation', 'Advertisement', 'Other'], 'question_name':        │
│                             'hear_about_us'}, {'question_text': 'Which of the following services have you      │
│                             used?', 'question_type': 'checkbox', 'question_options': ['Product support',       │
│                             'Online ordering', 'In-store shopping', 'Delivery services', 'Loyalty program'],   │
│                             'question_name': 'services_used'}, {'question_text': 'On a scale from 1 to 5, how  │
│                             satisfied are you with our customer service?', 'question_type': 'linear_scale',    │
│                             'question_options': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'option_labels': {'1': 'Not at all            │
│                             satisfied', '5': 'Very satisfied'}, 'question_name': 'satisfaction_scale'},        │
│                             {'question_text': 'How many times have you purchased from us in the past year?',   │
│                             'question_type': 'free_text', 'question_name': 'purchase_frequency'},              │
│                             {'question_text': 'Please provide any additional comments or suggestions you       │
│                             have.', 'question_type': 'free_text', 'question_name': 'additional_comments'}]     │

Creating a new EDSL survey

Now we can construct a new EDSL survey with the reformatted components of the original survey. This is done by creating Question objects with the question components, passing them to a new Survey, and then optionally designing and assigning AI agents to answer the survey.

Here we select one of the model’s responses to use:

from edsl import Question
questions_list = results.filter("model.model == 'gpt-4o'").select("q_name").to_list()[0]
[{'question_text': 'How did you first hear about our company?',
  'question_type': 'multiple_choice',
  'question_options': ['Social media',
   'Online search',
   'Friend/family recommendation',
  'question_name': 'hear_about_us'},
 {'question_text': 'Which of the following services have you used?',
  'question_type': 'checkbox',
  'question_options': ['Product support',
   'Online ordering',
   'In-store shopping',
   'Delivery services',
   'Loyalty program'],
  'question_name': 'services_used'},
 {'question_text': 'On a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with our customer service?',
  'question_type': 'linear_scale',
  'question_options': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
  'option_labels': {'1': 'Not at all satisfied', '5': 'Very satisfied'},
  'question_name': 'satisfaction_scale'},
 {'question_text': 'How many times have you purchased from us in the past year?',
  'question_type': 'free_text',
  'question_name': 'purchase_frequency'},
 {'question_text': 'Please provide any additional comments or suggestions you have.',
  'question_type': 'free_text',
  'question_name': 'additional_comments'}]
edsl_questions = [Question(**q) for q in questions_list]
[Question('multiple_choice', question_name = """hear_about_us""", question_text = """How did you first hear about our company?""", question_options = ['Social media', 'Online search', 'Friend/family recommendation', 'Advertisement', 'Other']),
 Question('checkbox', question_name = """services_used""", question_text = """Which of the following services have you used?""", min_selections = None, max_selections = None, question_options = ['Product support', 'Online ordering', 'In-store shopping', 'Delivery services', 'Loyalty program']),
 Question('linear_scale', question_name = """satisfaction_scale""", question_text = """On a scale from 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with our customer service?""", question_options = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], option_labels = {1: 'Not at all satisfied', 5: 'Very satisfied'}),
 Question('free_text', question_name = """purchase_frequency""", question_text = """How many times have you purchased from us in the past year?"""),
 Question('free_text', question_name = """additional_comments""", question_text = """Please provide any additional comments or suggestions you have.""")]
new_survey = Survey(edsl_questions)

We can inspect the survey that has been created, e.g.:


Designing AI agents

EDSL comes with methods for designing AI agent personas for language models to use in answering questions. An Agent is created by passing a dictionary of relevant traits. It can then be assigned to a survey using the by() method when the survey is run (the same as we do with scenarios and models).

We can import existing data to create agents representing audiences of interest, or use EDSL to generate personas:

q_personas = QuestionList(
    question_text="Draft 5 diverse personas for customers of a landscape business in New England capable of answering a feedback survey."

If we do not specify a model to use in running the question, the default model GPT 4 preview is used:

personas ="personas").to_list()[0]
['Retired Couple in Suburban Massachusetts',
 'Young Professional in Urban Connecticut',
 'Middle-Aged Homeowner in Rural Vermont',
 'Small Business Owner in Coastal Maine',
 'Eco-Conscious Family in New Hampshire']

Note that the personas can be (much) longer and include key/value pairs for any desired traits; we keep it simple here for demonstration purposes. Here we pass the personas to a list of agents and have them answer the survey:

from edsl import AgentList, Agent
agents = AgentList(
        traits = {"persona":p},
        instruction = """
        You are answering a customer feedback survey for a landscaping business that you have engaged in the past.
        Your answers are completely confidential.
    for p in personas
new_results =
    new_results.sort_by("model", "persona")
    .select("model", "persona", "answer.*")
┃ model          agent          answer         answer         answer          answer         answer         ┃
┃ .model         .persona       .satisfactio…  .additional_…  .services_used  .purchase_fr…  .hear_about_us ┃
│ claude-3-5-s…  Eco-Conscious  4              As an          ['Online        As an          Friend/family  │
│                Family in New                 eco-conscious  ordering',      eco-conscious  recommendation │
│                Hampshire                     family in New  'In-store       family in New                 │
│                                              Hampshire, we  shopping',      Hampshire, I                  │
│                                              really         'Delivery       would say                     │
│                                              appreciate     services']      we've likely                  │
│                                              your                           purchased                     │
│                                              landscaping                    services from                 │
│                                              services, but                  your                          │
│                                              we have a few                  landscaping                   │
│                                              suggestions                    business                      │
│                                              that would                     about 2-3                     │
│                                              align better                   times in the                  │
│                                              with our                       past year. We                 │
│                                              environmental                  try to                        │
│                                              values:                        maintain our                  │
│                                                                             property in                   │
│                                              1. We'd love                   an                            │
│                                              to see more                    environmenta…                 │
│                                              native plant                   way, so we                    │
│                                              options                        may have                      │
│                                              offered.                       engaged your                  │
│                                              These are                      services for                  │
│                                              better                         things like                   │
│                                              adapted to                     native plant                  │
│                                              our local                      installation…                 │
│                                              climate and                    organic lawn                  │
│                                              support local                  care, or                      │
│                                              wildlife.                      sustainable                   │
│                                                                             landscaping                   │
│                                              2. It would                    design.                       │
│                                              be great if                    However, we                   │
│                                              you could                      also do a                     │
│                                              offer organic                  fair amount                   │
│                                              fertilizers                    of yard work                  │
│                                              and pest                       ourselves to                  │
│                                              control                        reduce our                    │
│                                              methods as                     environmental                 │
│                                              alternatives                   impact.                       │
│                                              to chemical                                                  │
│                                              products.                                                    │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              3. We're                                                     │
│                                              interested in                                                │
│                                              xeriscaping                                                  │
│                                              options to                                                   │
│                                              reduce water                                                 │
│                                              usage,                                                       │
│                                              especially                                                   │
│                                              with changing                                                │
│                                              climate                                                      │
│                                              patterns in                                                  │
│                                              New England.                                                 │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              4. Have you                                                  │
│                                              considered                                                   │
│                                              offering                                                     │
│                                              services for                                                 │
│                                              installing                                                   │
│                                              rain gardens                                                 │
│                                              or pollinator                                                │
│                                              gardens?                                                     │
│                                              These would                                                  │
│                                              be fantastic                                                 │
│                                              additions.                                                   │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              5. We'd                                                      │
│                                              appreciate                                                   │
│                                              guidance on                                                  │
│                                              how to                                                       │
│                                              maintain a                                                   │
│                                              healthy lawn                                                 │
│                                              with less                                                    │
│                                              frequent                                                     │
│                                              mowing to                                                    │
│                                              reduce                                                       │
│                                              emissions and                                                │
│                                              support                                                      │
│                                              biodiversity.                                                │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              6. It would                                                  │
│                                              be wonderful                                                 │
│                                              if you could                                                 │
│                                              provide                                                      │
│                                              composting                                                   │
│                                              services or                                                  │
│                                              advice on how                                                │
│                                              to                                                           │
│                                              incorporate                                                  │
│                                              compost into                                                 │
│                                              our                                                          │
│                                              landscaping.                                                 │
│ claude-3-5-s…  Middle-Aged    4              As a           ['In-store      As a           Friend/family  │
│                Homeowner in                  middle-aged    shopping',      middle-aged    recommendation │
│                Rural Vermont                 homeowner in   'Delivery       homeowner in                  │
│                                              rural          services']      rural                         │
│                                              Vermont, I                     Vermont, I                    │
│                                              appreciate                     would                         │
│                                              the work your                  respond:                      │
│                                              landscaping                                                  │
│                                              business has                                                 │
│                                              done, but I                                                  │
│                                              do have a few                                                │
│                                              suggestions:                                                 │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              1. I'd love                                                  │
│                                              to see more                                                  │
│                                              native plant                                                 │
│                                              options that                                                 │
│                                              are                                                          │
│                                              well-suited                                                  │
│                                              to our                                                       │
│                                              climate and                                                  │
│                                              can support                                                  │
│                                              local                                                        │
│                                              wildlife.                                                    │
│                                              Maybe you                                                    │
│                                              could offer a                                                │
│                                              "Vermont                                                     │
│                                              native"                                                      │
│                                              package?                                                     │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              2. Your crew                                                 │
│                                              does good                                                    │
│                                              work, but                                                    │
│                                              sometimes                                                    │
│                                              they arrive a                                                │
│                                              bit later                                                    │
│                                              than                                                         │
│                                              scheduled.                                                   │
│                                              Given our                                                    │
│                                              unpredictable                                                │
│                                              weather up                                                   │
│                                              here, I                                                      │
│                                              understand,                                                  │
│                                              but a                                                        │
│                                              heads-up call                                                │
│                                              would be                                                     │
│                                              nice.                                                        │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              3. Have you                                                  │
│                                              considered                                                   │
│                                              offering any                                                 │
│                                              sustainable                                                  │
│                                              landscaping                                                  │
│                                              services?                                                    │
│                                              Things like                                                  │
│                                              rain gardens                                                 │
│                                              or                                                           │
│                                              xeriscaping                                                  │
│                                              could be                                                     │
│                                              popular,                                                     │
│                                              especially                                                   │
│                                              with our                                                     │
│                                              increasing                                                   │
│                                              concerns                                                     │
│                                              about climate                                                │
│                                              change.                                                      │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              4. It would                                                  │
│                                              be great if                                                  │
│                                              you could                                                    │
│                                              provide some                                                 │
│                                              tips on                                                      │
│                                              maintaining                                                  │
│                                              the landscape                                                │
│                                              between your                                                 │
│                                              visits,                                                      │
│                                              particularly                                                 │
│                                              for dealing                                                  │
│                                              with our                                                     │
│                                              harsh                                                        │
│                                              winters.                                                     │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              5. Lastly,                                                   │
│                                              while I enjoy                                                │
│                                              the natural                                                  │
│                                              look, some of                                                │
│                                              my neighbors                                                 │
│                                              have                                                         │
│                                              mentioned                                                    │
│                                              interest in                                                  │
│                                              more formal                                                  │
│                                              garden                                                       │
│                                              designs.                                                     │
│                                              Maybe you                                                    │
│                                              could expand                                                 │
│                                              your                                                         │
│                                              portfolio in                                                 │
│                                              that                                                         │
│                                              direction?                                                   │
│ claude-3-5-s…  Retired        4              As a retired   ['In-store      As a retired   Friend/family  │
│                Couple in                     couple living  shopping',      couple living  recommendation │
│                Suburban                      in suburban    'Delivery       in suburban                   │
│                Massachusetts                 Massachusett…  services']      Massachusett…                 │
│                                              we have a few                  we've likely                  │
│                                              thoughts to                    used                          │
│                                              share:                         landscaping                   │
│                                                                             services a                    │
│                                              We appreciate                  few times                     │
│                                              the attention                  over the past                 │
│                                              to detail                      year. I'd                     │
│                                              your team has                  estimate                      │
│                                              shown with                     we've                         │
│                                              our property.                  purchased                     │
│                                              The                            services from                 │
│                                              landscaping                    your company                  │
│                                              work has                       about 2-3                     │
│                                              really                         times in the                  │
│                                              enhanced our                   last year.                    │
│                                              home's curb                    This might                    │
│                                              appeal, which                  include                       │
│                                              is important                   spring                        │
│                                              to us in our                   cleanup, some                 │
│                                              quiet                          summer                        │
│                                              neighborhood.                  maintenance,                  │
│                                                                             and perhaps                   │
│                                              One                            fall leaf                     │
│                                              suggestion                     removal. We                   │
│                                              would be to                    try to do                     │
│                                              offer more                     some yard                     │
│                                              native plant                   work                          │
│                                              options that                   ourselves to                  │
│                                              are                            stay active,                  │
│                                              well-suited                    but we                        │
│                                              to our New                     appreciate                    │
│                                              England                        professional                  │
│                                              climate.                       help for the                  │
│                                              We're                          bigger jobs.                  │
│                                              interested in                                                │
│                                              having a                                                     │
│                                              beautiful                                                    │
│                                              yard that's                                                  │
│                                              also                                                         │
│                                              low-maintena…                                                │
│                                              and supports                                                 │
│                                              local                                                        │
│                                              wildlife.                                                    │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              It would also                                                │
│                                              be helpful if                                                │
│                                              you could                                                    │
│                                              provide some                                                 │
│                                              basic                                                        │
│                                              gardening                                                    │
│                                              tips or a                                                    │
│                                              seasonal                                                     │
│                                              maintenance                                                  │
│                                              schedule for                                                 │
│                                              the plants                                                   │
│                                              you've                                                       │
│                                              installed. At                                                │
│                                              our age, we                                                  │
│                                              sometimes                                                    │
│                                              need a little                                                │
│                                              reminder                                                     │
│                                              about proper                                                 │
│                                              care.                                                        │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              Lastly, we've                                                │
│                                              noticed that                                                 │
│                                              some of your                                                 │
│                                              equipment can                                                │
│                                              be quite                                                     │
│                                              noisy early                                                  │
│                                              in the                                                       │
│                                              morning. If                                                  │
│                                              possible,                                                    │
│                                              we'd                                                         │
│                                              appreciate it                                                │
│                                              if the crew                                                  │
│                                              could start a                                                │
│                                              bit later,                                                   │
│                                              around 9 AM,                                                 │
│                                              to avoid                                                     │
│                                              disturbing                                                   │
│                                              the                                                          │
│                                              neighborhood.                                                │
│ claude-3-5-s…  Small          4              As a small     ['In-store      As a small     Friend/family  │
│                Business                      business       shopping',      business       recommendation │
│                Owner in                      owner in       'Delivery       owner in                      │
│                Coastal Maine                 coastal        services']      coastal                       │
│                                              Maine, I                       Maine, I                      │
│                                              appreciate                     would                         │
│                                              the work your                  estimate I've                 │
│                                              landscaping                    purchased                     │
│                                              company has                    landscaping                   │
│                                              done. The                      services from                 │
│                                              coastal                        your company                  │
│                                              environment                    2-3 times in                  │
│                                              here can be                    the past                      │
│                                              challenging                    year. Given                   │
│                                              for                            the seasonal                  │
│                                              landscaping,                   nature of                     │
│                                              with salt                      landscaping                   │
│                                              air, strong                    needs in                      │
│                                              winds, and                     Maine, I                      │
│                                              sometimes                      likely                        │
│                                              harsh                          required some                 │
│                                              winters. I'd                   spring                        │
│                                              suggest                        cleanup and                   │
│                                              expanding                      planting                      │
│                                              your                           services, and                 │
│                                              offerings to                   then                          │
│                                              include more                   potentially                   │
│                                              native,                        some fall                     │
│                                              salt-tolerant                  maintenance                   │
│                                              plants that                    work as well.                 │
│                                              thrive in our                  However, I                    │
│                                              region.                        want to be                    │
│                                                                             clear that                    │
│                                              It would also                  this is a                     │
│                                              be great if                    hypothetical                  │
│                                              you could                      response                      │
│                                              offer                          based on the                  │
│                                              services                       persona                       │
│                                              tailored to                    provided, as                  │
│                                              maintaining                    I don't                       │
│                                              coastal                        actually have                 │
│                                              properties,                    specific                      │
│                                              like                           transaction                   │
│                                              strategies                     records with                  │
│                                              for erosion                    your company.                 │
│                                              control or                                                   │
│                                              creating                                                     │
│                                              windbreaks.                                                  │
│                                              Many of us                                                   │
│                                              business                                                     │
│                                              owners here                                                  │
│                                              have                                                         │
│                                              properties                                                   │
│                                              close to the                                                 │
│                                              water, so                                                    │
│                                              this kind of                                                 │
│                                              specialized                                                  │
│                                              knowledge                                                    │
│                                              would be very                                                │
│                                              valuable.                                                    │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              Lastly, given                                                │
│                                              our short                                                    │
│                                              growing                                                      │
│                                              season,                                                      │
│                                              perhaps you                                                  │
│                                              could                                                        │
│                                              consider                                                     │
│                                              offering some                                                │
│                                              off-season                                                   │
│                                              services like                                                │
│                                              winter                                                       │
│                                              property                                                     │
│                                              maintenance                                                  │
│                                              or holiday                                                   │
│                                              decorating.                                                  │
│                                              This could                                                   │
│                                              help local                                                   │
│                                              businesses                                                   │
│                                              like mine                                                    │
│                                              keep our                                                     │
│                                              properties                                                   │
│                                              looking                                                      │
│                                              inviting                                                     │
│                                              year-round.                                                  │
│ claude-3-5-s…  Young          4              As a young     ['Online        As a young     Online search  │
│                Professional                  professional   ordering',      professional                  │
│                in Urban                      living in      'Delivery       living in                     │
│                Connecticut                   urban          services']      urban                         │
│                                              Connecticut,                   Connecticut,                  │
│                                              I really                       I would                       │
│                                              appreciated                    likely say:                   │
│                                              the modern,                                                  │
│                                              low-maintena…                                                │
│                                              design                                                       │
│                                              options                                                      │
│                                              offered by                                                   │
│                                              this                                                         │
│                                              landscaping                                                  │
│                                              company.                                                     │
│                                              Their use of                                                 │
│                                              native plants                                                │
│                                              that thrive                                                  │
│                                              in our                                                       │
│                                              climate was a                                                │
│                                              smart choice                                                 │
│                                              for my small                                                 │
│                                              yard. I would                                                │
│                                              suggest they                                                 │
│                                              consider                                                     │
│                                              expanding                                                    │
│                                              their                                                        │
│                                              services to                                                  │
│                                              include more                                                 │
│                                              urban                                                        │
│                                              gardening                                                    │
│                                              solutions,                                                   │
│                                              like vertical                                                │
│                                              gardens or                                                   │
│                                              rooftop green                                                │
│                                              spaces, which                                                │
│                                              are becoming                                                 │
│                                              popular in                                                   │
│                                              our area.                                                    │
│                                              Additionally,                                                │
│                                              it would be                                                  │
│                                              great if they                                                │
│                                              could offer                                                  │
│                                              some                                                         │
│                                              eco-friendly                                                 │
│                                              options, such                                                │
│                                              as rainwater                                                 │
│                                              harvesting                                                   │
│                                              systems or                                                   │
│                                              pollinator-f…                                                │
│                                              garden                                                       │
│                                              designs, as                                                  │
│                                              sustainabili…                                                │
│                                              is important                                                 │
│                                              to many of us                                                │
│                                              young                                                        │
│                                              homeowners.                                                  │
│                                              Overall, I've                                                │
│                                              been quite                                                   │
│                                              satisfied                                                    │
│                                              with their                                                   │
│                                              work, but                                                    │
│                                              these                                                        │
│                                              additions                                                    │
│                                              could really                                                 │
│                                              set them                                                     │
│                                              apart in our                                                 │
│                                              urban market.                                                │
│ gemini-pro     Eco-Conscious  5              **Additional   ['Product       3              Friend/family  │
│                Family in New                 Comments and   support',                      recommendation │
│                Hampshire                     Suggestions:…  'In-store                                     │
│                                                             shopping',                                    │
│                                              * **Emphasize  'Delivery                                     │
│                                              sustainable    services']                                    │
│                                              practices:**                                                 │
│                                              As an                                                        │
│                                              eco-conscious                                                │
│                                              family, we                                                   │
│                                              value                                                        │
│                                              businesses                                                   │
│                                              that                                                         │
│                                              prioritize                                                   │
│                                              environmental                                                │
│                                              stewardship.                                                 │
│                                              Highlight                                                    │
│                                              your                                                         │
│                                              commitment to                                                │
│                                              using native                                                 │
│                                              plants,                                                      │
│                                              organic                                                      │
│                                              fertilizers,                                                 │
│                                              and                                                          │
│                                              water-saving                                                 │
│                                              techniques.                                                  │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              * **Offer                                                    │
│                                              educational                                                  │
│                                              resources:**                                                 │
│                                              Provide                                                      │
│                                              educational                                                  │
│                                              materials or                                                 │
│                                              workshops on                                                 │
│                                              sustainable                                                  │
│                                              landscaping                                                  │
│                                              practices.                                                   │
│                                              This would                                                   │
│                                              empower us to                                                │
│                                              make informed                                                │
│                                              decisions and                                                │
│                                              contribute to                                                │
│                                              the overall                                                  │
│                                              health of our                                                │
│                                              ecosystem.                                                   │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              * **Promote                                                  │
│                                              community                                                    │
│                                              involvement:…                                                │
│                                              Encourage                                                    │
│                                              customers to                                                 │
│                                              participate                                                  │
│                                              in community                                                 │
│                                              clean-ups or                                                 │
│                                              restoration                                                  │
│                                              projects.                                                    │
│                                              This fosters                                                 │
│                                              a sense of                                                   │
│                                              ownership and                                                │
│                                              connection to                                                │
│                                              the local                                                    │
│                                              environment.                                                 │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              * **Consider                                                 │
│                                              offering                                                     │
│                                              eco-friendly                                                 │
│                                              products:**                                                  │
│                                              Explore                                                      │
│                                              partnerships                                                 │
│                                              with local                                                   │
│                                              vendors to                                                   │
│                                              offer                                                        │
│                                              eco-friendly                                                 │
│                                              products,                                                    │
│                                              such as                                                      │
│                                              biodegradable                                                │
│                                              mulch or rain                                                │
│                                              barrels. This                                                │
│                                              would make it                                                │
│                                              easier for                                                   │
│                                              customers to                                                 │
│                                              adopt                                                        │
│                                              sustainable                                                  │
│                                              practices at                                                 │
│                                              home.                                                        │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              * **Highlight                                                │
│                                              the benefits                                                 │
│                                              of native                                                    │
│                                              plants:**                                                    │
│                                              Educate                                                      │
│                                              customers                                                    │
│                                              about the                                                    │
│                                              ecological                                                   │
│                                              benefits of                                                  │
│                                              using native                                                 │
│                                              plants.                                                      │
│                                              Emphasize                                                    │
│                                              their ability                                                │
│                                              to attract                                                   │
│                                              wildlife,                                                    │
│                                              reduce                                                       │
│                                              erosion, and                                                 │
│                                              support local                                                │
│                                              ecosystems.                                                  │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              * **Provide                                                  │
│                                              personalized                                                 │
│                                              recommendati…                                                │
│                                              Offer                                                        │
│                                              tailored                                                     │
│                                              landscaping                                                  │
│                                              plans that                                                   │
│                                              align with                                                   │
│                                              our specific                                                 │
│                                              environmental                                                │
│                                              concerns and                                                 │
│                                              aesthetic                                                    │
│                                              preferences.                                                 │
│                                              This                                                         │
│                                              demonstrates                                                 │
│                                              your                                                         │
│                                              commitment to                                                │
│                                              understanding                                                │
│                                              our needs and                                                │
│                                              providing                                                    │
│                                              customized                                                   │
│                                              solutions.                                                   │
│ gemini-pro     Middle-Aged    5              As a           ['In-store      Once           Friend/family  │
│                Homeowner in                  middle-aged    shopping',                     recommendation │
│                Rural Vermont                 homeowner in   'Delivery                                     │
│                                              rural          services']                                    │
│                                              Vermont, I                                                   │
│                                              appreciate                                                   │
│                                              the                                                          │
│                                              landscaping                                                  │
│                                              services that                                                │
│                                              your business                                                │
│                                              has provided                                                 │
│                                              me in the                                                    │
│                                              past. I am                                                   │
│                                              particularly                                                 │
│                                              impressed                                                    │
│                                              with the                                                     │
│                                              following                                                    │
│                                              aspects of                                                   │
│                                              your service:                                                │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              * **Attention                                                │
│                                              to detail:**                                                 │
│                                              Your team                                                    │
│                                              always takes                                                 │
│                                              the time to                                                  │
│                                              carefully                                                    │
│                                              plan and                                                     │
│                                              execute each                                                 │
│                                              project,                                                     │
│                                              ensuring that                                                │
│                                              the final                                                    │
│                                              product meets                                                │
│                                              my                                                           │
│                                              expectations.                                                │
│                                              * **Use of                                                   │
│                                              native                                                       │
│                                              plants:** I                                                  │
│                                              appreciate                                                   │
│                                              your                                                         │
│                                              commitment to                                                │
│                                              using native                                                 │
│                                              plants in                                                    │
│                                              your designs,                                                │
│                                              which helps                                                  │
│                                              to support                                                   │
│                                              the local                                                    │
│                                              ecosystem and                                                │
│                                              reduce                                                       │
│                                              maintenance                                                  │
│                                              needs.                                                       │
│                                              *                                                            │
│                                              **Responsive…                                                │
│                                              to                                                           │
│                                              feedback:**                                                  │
│                                              You are                                                      │
│                                              always                                                       │
│                                              willing to                                                   │
│                                              listen to my                                                 │
│                                              feedback and                                                 │
│                                              make                                                         │
│                                              adjustments                                                  │
│                                              to your plans                                                │
│                                              as needed.                                                   │
│                                              This level of                                                │
│                                              customer                                                     │
│                                              service is                                                   │
│                                              greatly                                                      │
│                                              appreciated.                                                 │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              To further                                                   │
│                                              improve your                                                 │
│                                              services, I                                                  │
│                                              would suggest                                                │
│                                              the                                                          │
│                                              following:                                                   │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              * **Offer a                                                  │
│                                              wider range                                                  │
│                                              of                                                           │
│                                              services:**                                                  │
│                                              In addition                                                  │
│                                              to your                                                      │
│                                              current                                                      │
│                                              landscaping                                                  │
│                                              services, I                                                  │
│                                              would be                                                     │
│                                              interested in                                                │
│                                              seeing you                                                   │
│                                              offer                                                        │
│                                              additional                                                   │
│                                              services such                                                │
│                                              as                                                           │
│                                              hardscaping,                                                 │
│                                              irrigation                                                   │
│                                              installation,                                                │
│                                              and snow                                                     │
│                                              removal.                                                     │
│                                              * **Provide                                                  │
│                                              more                                                         │
│                                              educational                                                  │
│                                              resources:**                                                 │
│                                              I would                                                      │
│                                              appreciate it                                                │
│                                              if you could                                                 │
│                                              provide more                                                 │
│                                              educational                                                  │
│                                              resources to                                                 │
│                                              your                                                         │
│                                              customers on                                                 │
│                                              topics such                                                  │
│                                              as plant                                                     │
│                                              care,                                                        │
│                                              landscape                                                    │
│                                              design, and                                                  │
│                                              sustainable                                                  │
│                                              gardening                                                    │
│                                              practices.                                                   │
│                                              This                                                         │
│                                              information                                                  │
│                                              would help me                                                │
│                                              to better                                                    │
│                                              maintain my                                                  │
│                                              landscape and                                                │
│                                              make informed                                                │
│                                              decisions                                                    │
│                                              about future                                                 │
│                                              projects.                                                    │
│                                              * **Consider                                                 │
│                                              offering a                                                   │
│                                              loyalty                                                      │
│                                              program:** A                                                 │
│                                              loyalty                                                      │
│                                              program would                                                │
│                                              encourage me                                                 │
│                                              to continue                                                  │
│                                              using your                                                   │
│                                              services and                                                 │
│                                              could also                                                   │
│                                              help you to                                                  │
│                                              attract new                                                  │
│                                              customers.                                                   │
│ gemini-pro     Retired        5              **Additional   ['In-store      Once           Friend/family  │
│                Couple in                     Comments and   shopping',                     recommendation │
│                Suburban                      Suggestions:…  'Loyalty                                      │
│                Massachusetts                                program']                                     │
│                                              * **Enhance                                                  │
│                                              communicatio…                                                │
│                                              While the                                                    │
│                                              overall                                                      │
│                                              service was                                                  │
│                                              satisfactory,                                                │
│                                              there were                                                   │
│                                              occasional                                                   │
│                                              delays in                                                    │
│                                              communication                                                │
│                                              regarding                                                    │
│                                              scheduling                                                   │
│                                              and project                                                  │
│                                              updates.                                                     │
│                                              Improving                                                    │
│                                              communication                                                │
│                                              channels and                                                 │
│                                              providing                                                    │
│                                              timely                                                       │
│                                              updates would                                                │
│                                              greatly                                                      │
│                                              enhance the                                                  │
│                                              customer                                                     │
│                                              experience.                                                  │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              * **Offer                                                    │
│                                              seasonal                                                     │
│                                              maintenance                                                  │
│                                              packages:**                                                  │
│                                              As retired                                                   │
│                                              homeowners,                                                  │
│                                              we would                                                     │
│                                              appreciate                                                   │
│                                              the                                                          │
│                                              convenience                                                  │
│                                              of having a                                                  │
│                                              seasonal                                                     │
│                                              maintenance                                                  │
│                                              package that                                                 │
│                                              includes                                                     │
│                                              regular                                                      │
│                                              mowing,                                                      │
│                                              edging, and                                                  │
│                                              trimming.                                                    │
│                                              This would                                                   │
│                                              ensure that                                                  │
│                                              our lawn                                                     │
│                                              remains                                                      │
│                                              well-maintai…                                                │
│                                              throughout                                                   │
│                                              the year.                                                    │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              * **Provide                                                  │
│                                              more detailed                                                │
│                                              estimates:**                                                 │
│                                              The initial                                                  │
│                                              estimate we                                                  │
│                                              received was                                                 │
│                                              clear and                                                    │
│                                              concise, but                                                 │
│                                              it would be                                                  │
│                                              helpful to                                                   │
│                                              receive more                                                 │
│                                              detailed                                                     │
│                                              breakdowns of                                                │
│                                              the costs                                                    │
│                                              associated                                                   │
│                                              with                                                         │
│                                              different                                                    │
│                                              services.                                                    │
│                                              This would                                                   │
│                                              allow us to                                                  │
│                                              make informed                                                │
│                                              decisions                                                    │
│                                              about our                                                    │
│                                              landscaping                                                  │
│                                              needs.                                                       │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              * **Consider                                                 │
│                                              offering                                                     │
│                                              discounts for                                                │
│                                              seniors:**                                                   │
│                                              Many retired                                                 │
│                                              couples are                                                  │
│                                              on fixed                                                     │
│                                              incomes, and                                                 │
│                                              a discount                                                   │
│                                              for seniors                                                  │
│                                              would be                                                     │
│                                              greatly                                                      │
│                                              appreciated.                                                 │
│                                              This would                                                   │
│                                              make it more                                                 │
│                                              affordable                                                   │
│                                              for us to                                                    │
│                                              maintain our                                                 │
│                                              property to a                                                │
│                                              high                                                         │
│                                              standard.                                                    │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              * **Expand                                                   │
│                                              plant                                                        │
│                                              selection:**                                                 │
│                                              While the                                                    │
│                                              current plant                                                │
│                                              selection is                                                 │
│                                              adequate, it                                                 │
│                                              would be                                                     │
│                                              great to have                                                │
│                                              a wider                                                      │
│                                              variety of                                                   │
│                                              plants and                                                   │
│                                              shrubs to                                                    │
│                                              choose from.                                                 │
│                                              This would                                                   │
│                                              allow us to                                                  │
│                                              create a more                                                │
│                                              unique and                                                   │
│                                              personalized                                                 │
│                                              landscape.                                                   │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              * **Provide                                                  │
│                                              educational                                                  │
│                                              resources:**                                                 │
│                                              As novice                                                    │
│                                              gardeners, we                                                │
│                                              would benefit                                                │
│                                              from                                                         │
│                                              educational                                                  │
│                                              resources                                                    │
│                                              such as                                                      │
│                                              workshops or                                                 │
│                                              online                                                       │
│                                              tutorials on                                                 │
│                                              proper plant                                                 │
│                                              care and                                                     │
│                                              maintenance.                                                 │
│                                              This would                                                   │
│                                              empower us to                                                │
│                                              maintain our                                                 │
│                                              landscape                                                    │
│                                              independentl…                                                │
│ gemini-pro     Small          5              **Additional   ['In-store      Once           Friend/family  │
│                Business                      Comments and   shopping']                     recommendation │
│                Owner in                      Suggestions:…                                                │
│                Coastal Maine                                                                              │
│                                              * **Enhanced                                                 │
│                                              communicatio…                                                │
│                                              Provide                                                      │
│                                              regular                                                      │
│                                              updates on                                                   │
│                                              project                                                      │
│                                              progress and                                                 │
│                                              any potential                                                │
│                                              delays or                                                    │
│                                              changes.                                                     │
│                                              Consider                                                     │
│                                              using a                                                      │
│                                              project                                                      │
│                                              management                                                   │
│                                              platform or                                                  │
│                                              app to                                                       │
│                                              facilitate                                                   │
│                                              communication                                                │
│                                              and ensure                                                   │
│                                              transparency.                                                │
│                                              *                                                            │
│                                              **Flexibility                                                │
│                                              in                                                           │
│                                              scheduling:**                                                │
│                                              Offer                                                        │
│                                              flexible                                                     │
│                                              scheduling                                                   │
│                                              options to                                                   │
│                                              accommodate                                                  │
│                                              busy business                                                │
│                                              hours and                                                    │
│                                              minimize                                                     │
│                                              disruptions                                                  │
│                                              to our                                                       │
│                                              operations.                                                  │
│                                              *                                                            │
│                                              **Sustainabi…                                                │
│                                              focus:**                                                     │
│                                              Highlight                                                    │
│                                              your                                                         │
│                                              commitment to                                                │
│                                              sustainable                                                  │
│                                              landscaping                                                  │
│                                              practices,                                                   │
│                                              such as using                                                │
│                                              native                                                       │
│                                              plants,                                                      │
│                                              water-effici…                                                │
│                                              irrigation                                                   │
│                                              systems, and                                                 │
│                                              organic                                                      │
│                                              fertilizers.                                                 │
│                                              This would                                                   │
│                                              align well                                                   │
│                                              with our                                                     │
│                                              business's                                                   │
│                                              values and                                                   │
│                                              environmental                                                │
│                                              consciousnes…                                                │
│                                              *                                                            │
│                                              **Specialized                                                │
│                                              services:**                                                  │
│                                              Consider                                                     │
│                                              offering                                                     │
│                                              specialized                                                  │
│                                              landscaping                                                  │
│                                              services                                                     │
│                                              tailored to                                                  │
│                                              the unique                                                   │
│                                              needs of                                                     │
│                                              coastal                                                      │
│                                              environments,                                                │
│                                              such as                                                      │
│                                              salt-tolerant                                                │
│                                              plant                                                        │
│                                              selection and                                                │
│                                              erosion                                                      │
│                                              control                                                      │
│                                              measures.                                                    │
│                                              * **Community                                                │
│                                              involvement:…                                                │
│                                              Engage with                                                  │
│                                              the local                                                    │
│                                              community                                                    │
│                                              through                                                      │
│                                              initiatives                                                  │
│                                              such as                                                      │
│                                              volunteering                                                 │
│                                              for                                                          │
│                                              beautificati…                                                │
│                                              projects or                                                  │
│                                              offering                                                     │
│                                              discounts to                                                 │
│                                              local                                                        │
│                                              businesses.                                                  │
│                                              This would                                                   │
│                                              foster a                                                     │
│                                              positive                                                     │
│                                              relationship                                                 │
│                                              and                                                          │
│                                              demonstrate                                                  │
│                                              your                                                         │
│                                              commitment to                                                │
│                                              the area.                                                    │
│                                              * **Referral                                                 │
│                                              incentives:**                                                │
│                                              Offer                                                        │
│                                              incentives to                                                │
│                                              customers who                                                │
│                                              refer your                                                   │
│                                              services to                                                  │
│                                              other                                                        │
│                                              businesses or                                                │
│                                              organization…                                                │
│                                              This could                                                   │
│                                              help expand                                                  │
│                                              your reach                                                   │
│                                              and build a                                                  │
│                                              loyal                                                        │
│                                              customer                                                     │
│                                              base.                                                        │
│                                              * **Online                                                   │
│                                              presence:**                                                  │
│                                              Enhance your                                                 │
│                                              online                                                       │
│                                              presence by                                                  │
│                                              creating a                                                   │
│                                              user-friendly                                                │
│                                              website and                                                  │
│                                              maintaining                                                  │
│                                              active social                                                │
│                                              media                                                        │
│                                              profiles.                                                    │
│                                              This would                                                   │
│                                              make it                                                      │
│                                              easier for                                                   │
│                                              potential                                                    │
│                                              customers to                                                 │
│                                              find and                                                     │
│                                              contact you.                                                 │
│ gemini-pro     Young          5              **Additional   ['In-store      Once           Online search  │
│                Professional                  Comments and   shopping',                                    │
│                in Urban                      Suggestions:…  'Delivery                                     │
│                Connecticut                                  services']                                    │
│                                              * **Enhanced                                                 │
│                                              Communicatio…                                                │
│                                              Consider                                                     │
│                                              implementing                                                 │
│                                              a mobile app                                                 │
│                                              or online                                                    │
│                                              portal where                                                 │
│                                              customers can                                                │
│                                              easily track                                                 │
│                                              the progress                                                 │
│                                              of their                                                     │
│                                              projects,                                                    │
│                                              communicate                                                  │
│                                              with the                                                     │
│                                              team, and                                                    │
│                                              access                                                       │
│                                              project                                                      │
│                                              details.                                                     │
│                                              *                                                            │
│                                              **Sustainable                                                │
│                                              Practices:**                                                 │
│                                              Highlight                                                    │
│                                              your                                                         │
│                                              commitment to                                                │
│                                              sustainable                                                  │
│                                              landscaping                                                  │
│                                              practices,                                                   │
│                                              such as using                                                │
│                                              native                                                       │
│                                              plants,                                                      │
│                                              implementing                                                 │
│                                              water                                                        │
│                                              conservation                                                 │
│                                              techniques,                                                  │
│                                              and                                                          │
│                                              minimizing                                                   │
│                                              chemical use.                                                │
│                                              * **Community                                                │
│                                              Involvement:…                                                │
│                                              Engage with                                                  │
│                                              local                                                        │
│                                              community                                                    │
│                                              organizations                                                │
│                                              and                                                          │
│                                              participate                                                  │
│                                              in                                                           │
│                                              neighborhood                                                 │
│                                              beautificati…                                                │
│                                              projects to                                                  │
│                                              demonstrate                                                  │
│                                              your                                                         │
│                                              investment in                                                │
│                                              the                                                          │
│                                              community.                                                   │
│                                              *                                                            │
│                                              **Specialized                                                │
│                                              Services:**                                                  │
│                                              Offer                                                        │
│                                              specialized                                                  │
│                                              services                                                     │
│                                              tailored to                                                  │
│                                              the unique                                                   │
│                                              needs of                                                     │
│                                              urban                                                        │
│                                              landscapes,                                                  │
│                                              such as                                                      │
│                                              rooftop                                                      │
│                                              gardens,                                                     │
│                                              vertical                                                     │
│                                              green walls,                                                 │
│                                              and container                                                │
│                                              gardening                                                    │
│                                              solutions.                                                   │
│                                              *                                                            │
│                                              **Technology                                                 │
│                                              Integration:…                                                │
│                                              Explore the                                                  │
│                                              use of smart                                                 │
│                                              irrigation                                                   │
│                                              systems,                                                     │
│                                              remote                                                       │
│                                              monitoring,                                                  │
│                                              and drone                                                    │
│                                              technology to                                                │
│                                              enhance                                                      │
│                                              efficiency                                                   │
│                                              and improve                                                  │
│                                              plant health.                                                │
│                                              * **Customer                                                 │
│                                              Education:**                                                 │
│                                              Provide                                                      │
│                                              educational                                                  │
│                                              resources and                                                │
│                                              workshops to                                                 │
│                                              empower                                                      │
│                                              customers                                                    │
│                                              with                                                         │
│                                              knowledge                                                    │
│                                              about plant                                                  │
│                                              care and                                                     │
│                                              sustainable                                                  │
│                                              landscaping                                                  │
│                                              practices.                                                   │
│                                              * **Loyalty                                                  │
│                                              Program:**                                                   │
│                                              Implement a                                                  │
│                                              loyalty                                                      │
│                                              program to                                                   │
│                                              reward repeat                                                │
│                                              customers and                                                │
│                                              encourage                                                    │
│                                              referrals.                                                   │
│                                              * **Social                                                   │
│                                              Media                                                        │
│                                              Presence:**                                                  │
│                                              Maintain an                                                  │
│                                              active social                                                │
│                                              media                                                        │
│                                              presence to                                                  │
│                                              showcase your                                                │
│                                              work, engage                                                 │
│                                              with                                                         │
│                                              customers,                                                   │
│                                              and provide                                                  │
│                                              valuable                                                     │
│                                              landscaping                                                  │
│                                              tips.                                                        │
│                                              * **Referral                                                 │
│                                              Incentives:**                                                │
│                                              Offer                                                        │
│                                              incentives to                                                │
│                                              customers who                                                │
│                                              refer new                                                    │
│                                              clients to                                                   │
│                                              your                                                         │
│                                              business.                                                    │
│ gpt-4o         Eco-Conscious  5              We were        ['In-store      We have        Friend/family  │
│                Family in New                 really         shopping',      purchased      recommendation │
│                Hampshire                     pleased with   'Delivery       from you                      │
│                                              the            services',      twice in the                  │
│                                              landscaping    'Loyalty        past year.                    │
│                                              services       program']                                     │
│                                              provided! The                                                │
│                                              team was                                                     │
│                                              professional,                                                │
│                                              and we                                                       │
│                                              appreciated                                                  │
│                                              their use of                                                 │
│                                              eco-friendly                                                 │
│                                              materials and                                                │
│                                              practices.                                                   │
│                                              One                                                          │
│                                              suggestion                                                   │
│                                              would be to                                                  │
│                                              offer more                                                   │
│                                              native plant                                                 │
│                                              options that                                                 │
│                                              are                                                          │
│                                              well-suited                                                  │
│                                              to New                                                       │
│                                              Hampshire's                                                  │
│                                              climate. This                                                │
│                                              would help us                                                │
│                                              further                                                      │
│                                              support local                                                │
│                                              biodiversity                                                 │
│                                              and reduce                                                   │
│                                              water usage.                                                 │
│                                              Overall,                                                     │
│                                              great job,                                                   │
│                                              and we look                                                  │
│                                              forward to                                                   │
│                                              working with                                                 │
│                                              you again!                                                   │
│ gpt-4o         Middle-Aged    5              I’ve been      ['In-store      I have         Friend/family  │
│                Homeowner in                  really         shopping',      purchased      recommendation │
│                Rural Vermont                 pleased with   'Delivery       from you                      │
│                                              the            services']      twice in the                  │
│                                              landscaping                    past year.                    │
│                                              services                                                     │
│                                              provided. The                                                │
│                                              team is                                                      │
│                                              always                                                       │
│                                              punctual and                                                 │
│                                              professional,                                                │
│                                              and they do a                                                │
│                                              fantastic job                                                │
│                                              maintaining                                                  │
│                                              my yard. One                                                 │
│                                              suggestion I                                                 │
│                                              have is to                                                   │
│                                              perhaps offer                                                │
│                                              a seasonal                                                   │
│                                              planting                                                     │
│                                              guide or                                                     │
│                                              consultation.                                                │
│                                              It would be                                                  │
│                                              helpful to                                                   │
│                                              know which                                                   │
│                                              plants thrive                                                │
│                                              best in our                                                  │
│                                              Vermont                                                      │
│                                              climate                                                      │
│                                              throughout                                                   │
│                                              the different                                                │
│                                              seasons.                                                     │
│                                              Overall, keep                                                │
│                                              up the great                                                 │
│                                              work!                                                        │
│ gpt-4o         Retired        5              We were very   ['In-store      We have        Friend/family  │
│                Couple in                     pleased with   shopping',      purchased      recommendation │
│                Suburban                      the            'Delivery       from you                      │
│                Massachusetts                 landscaping    services']      three times                   │
│                                              services                       in the past                   │
│                                              provided. The                  year.                         │
│                                              team was                                                     │
│                                              professional,                                                │
│                                              punctual, and                                                │
│                                              respectful of                                                │
│                                              our property.                                                │
│                                              The design                                                   │
│                                              they created                                                 │
│                                              for our                                                      │
│                                              garden has                                                   │
│                                              truly                                                        │
│                                              enhanced our                                                 │
│                                              outdoor                                                      │
│                                              space, making                                                │
│                                              it a lovely                                                  │
│                                              place to                                                     │
│                                              relax and                                                    │
│                                              entertain.                                                   │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                              One                                                          │
│                                              suggestion we                                                │
│                                              have is to                                                   │
│                                              offer a                                                      │
│                                              seasonal                                                     │
│                                              maintenance                                                  │
│                                              package. As                                                  │
│                                              retirees, we                                                 │
│                                              appreciate                                                   │
│                                              any service                                                  │
│                                              that can help                                                │
│                                              us maintain                                                  │
│                                              the beauty of                                                │
│                                              our garden                                                   │
│                                              throughout                                                   │
│                                              the year                                                     │
│                                              without much                                                 │
│                                              hassle.                                                      │
│                                              Additionally,                                                │
│                                              it might be                                                  │
│                                              helpful to                                                   │
│                                              provide a                                                    │
│                                              brief guide                                                  │
│                                              or tips for                                                  │
│                                              seasonal                                                     │
│                                              plant care                                                   │
│                                              specific to                                                  │
│                                              our region in                                                │
│                                              Massachusett…                                                │
│ gpt-4o         Small          5              I was very     ['In-store      I have         Friend/family  │
│                Business                      pleased with   shopping',      purchased      recommendation │
│                Owner in                      the            'Delivery       from you                      │
│                Coastal Maine                 landscaping    services']      twice in the                  │
│                                              services                       past year.                    │
│                                              provided. The                                                │
│                                              team was                                                     │
│                                              professional,                                                │
│                                              punctual, and                                                │
│                                              attentive to                                                 │
│                                              detail. The                                                  │
│                                              coastal Maine                                                │
│                                              environment                                                  │
│                                              can be                                                       │
│                                              challenging,                                                 │
│                                              but they                                                     │
│                                              selected                                                     │
│                                              plants that                                                  │
│                                              are thriving                                                 │
│                                              and                                                          │
│                                              complement                                                   │
│                                              the natural                                                  │
│                                              beauty of the                                                │
│                                              area. One                                                    │
│                                              suggestion I                                                 │
│                                              have is to                                                   │
│                                              offer a                                                      │
│                                              seasonal                                                     │
│                                              maintenance                                                  │
│                                              package. It                                                  │
│                                              would be                                                     │
│                                              helpful to                                                   │
│                                              have regular                                                 │
│                                              check-ins to                                                 │
│                                              ensure                                                       │
│                                              everything                                                   │
│                                              continues to                                                 │
│                                              look great                                                   │
│                                              throughout                                                   │
│                                              the year.                                                    │
│                                              Overall, I am                                                │
│                                              very                                                         │
│                                              satisfied and                                                │
│                                              would highly                                                 │
│                                              recommend                                                    │
│                                              your services                                                │
│                                              to other                                                     │
│                                              small                                                        │
│                                              business                                                     │
│                                              owners in the                                                │
│                                              area.                                                        │
│ gpt-4o         Young          4              I was really   ['Online        I have         Friend/family  │
│                Professional                  impressed      ordering',      purchased      recommendation │
│                in Urban                      with the       'Delivery       from you                      │
│                Connecticut                   professional…  services',      twice in the                  │
│                                              and            'Loyalty        past year.                    │
│                                              efficiency of  program']                                     │
│                                              your team.                                                   │
│                                              The landscape                                                │
│                                              design                                                       │
│                                              perfectly                                                    │
│                                              fits the                                                     │
│                                              urban                                                        │
│                                              aesthetic I                                                  │
│                                              was looking                                                  │
│                                              for, and the                                                 │
│                                              quality of                                                   │
│                                              work is                                                      │
│                                              outstanding.                                                 │
│                                              One                                                          │
│                                              suggestion                                                   │
│                                              would be to                                                  │
│                                              perhaps offer                                                │
│                                              a digital                                                    │
│                                              consultation                                                 │
│                                              option for                                                   │
│                                              initial                                                      │
│                                              meetings. As                                                 │
│                                              a young                                                      │
│                                              professional                                                 │
│                                              with a busy                                                  │
│                                              schedule, it                                                 │
│                                              would be                                                     │
│                                              convenient to                                                │
│                                              discuss plans                                                │
│                                              and ideas                                                    │
│                                              virtually                                                    │
│                                              before                                                       │
│                                              committing to                                                │
│                                              an in-person                                                 │
│                                              meeting.                                                     │
│                                              Overall, I’m                                                 │
│                                              very                                                         │
│                                              satisfied and                                                │
│                                              would                                                        │
│                                              definitely                                                   │
│                                              recommend                                                    │
│                                              your services                                                │
│                                              to others!                                                   │

Posting to the Coop

The Coop is a platform for creating, storing and sharing LLM-based research. It is fully integrated with EDSL and accessible from your workspace or Coop account page. Learn more about creating an account and using the Coop.

Here we demonstrate how to post this notebook:

from edsl import Notebook
n = Notebook(path = "google_form_to_edsl.ipynb")
n.push(description = "Example code for using EDSL to convert a non-EDSL survey into EDSL", visibility = "public")
{'description': 'Example code for using EDSL to convert a non-EDSL survey into EDSL',
 'object_type': 'notebook',
 'url': '',
 'uuid': 'eae8ca14-da74-49cb-a220-59f52fea0faa',
 'version': '0.1.33.dev1',
 'visibility': 'public'}

Updating an opject at the Coop:

n = Notebook(path = "google_form_to_edsl.ipynb") # resave
n.patch(uuid = "eae8ca14-da74-49cb-a220-59f52fea0faa", value = n)
{'status': 'success'}