Creating question variants

EDSL comes with a variety of features for efficiently generating different versions of questions in surveys. This notebook demonstrates methods for doing this with Scenario objects.

What is a Scenario?

A Scenario is a dictionary of one or more key/value pairs representing data or content to be added to questions; a ScenarioList is a list of Scenario objects. Scenario keys are used as question parameters that get replaced with the values when the scenarios are added to the questions, allowing you to create variants of questions efficiently. For example:

from edsl import QuestionFreeText, ScenarioList, Scenario

q = QuestionFreeText(
    question_name = "favorite",
    question_text = "What is your favorite {{ thing }}?"

s = ScenarioList(
    Scenario({"thing": t}) for t in ["flower", "pizza topping", "chatbot"]

Using scenarios

Scenarios can be added to questions when constructing a survey or when running it. Functionally, the same question context is delivered to agents and models whether they are added during or after survey construction. The difference is how the information is arranged in the results that are generated by the models.


Adding scenarios at survey construction: loop

Each question type (QuestionMultipleChoice, QuestionFreeText, etc.) has a loop() method that generates a copy of the question for each scenario in a ScenarioList that is passed to it, returning a list of the questions that are generated. The loop() method is used when survey questions are being constructed. The typical workflow is:

  • Construct a (single) Question with one or more parameters

  • Construct a ScenarioList

  • Call the loop() method on the question and pass it the scenario list

  • Pass the list of the questions to a Survey

From the example above this looks like:

from edsl import Survey

questions = q.loop(s)
survey = Survey(questions)
results =

When the survey is run, the results that are generated will include columns for each question and answer; there are no scenario columns in the results (unless scenarios are also added when the survey is run).

Running a survey with scenarios: by

Scenarios can also be passed to a question or survey at the time that it is run. This is done by calling the by() method on a survey, passing it the scenarios, and then calling the run() method. The typical workflow is:

  • Construct a question (or survey of multiple questions) with one or more parameters

  • Construct scenarios

  • Call the by() method on the question or survey and pass it the scenarios

  • Call the run() method to administer the question or survey

From the example above this looks like:

results =

(If any agents or models have been created and specified, they would also be added in separated by() calls. See details on designing agents and selecting language models.)

Example: Looping a question with scenarios

The loop() method is called on a Question object, and takes a ScenarioList of values to be inserted in copies of the question. We can optionally use the scenario key in the question name as well (so long as it is Pythonic); otherwise, unique identifiers are added to the original question name.

We start by constructing a question that takes a parameter:

from edsl import QuestionFreeText

q = QuestionFreeText(
    question_name = "features",
    question_text = "What are the features of this sailboat model: {{ sailboat_model }}"

Next we create a scenario list to pass to the loop() method. EDSL comes with many methods for generating scenarios from different data sources, such as PDFs, CSVs, docs, tables, images, etc. For example, we can use the from_list() method to construct a scenario list from a list. Learn about other methods for generating scenarios.

from edsl import ScenarioList

s = ScenarioList.from_list("sailboat_model", ['Laser', 'Sunfish', 'Optimist', 'Finn'])
    "scenarios": [
            "sailboat_model": "Laser"
            "sailboat_model": "Sunfish"
            "sailboat_model": "Optimist"
            "sailboat_model": "Finn"

Next we call the loop() method with the scenario list to create a list of the copies of the question, and verify that formatted questions have been generated:

questions = q.loop(s)
[Question('free_text', question_name = """features_0""", question_text = """What are the features of this sailboat model: Laser"""),
 Question('free_text', question_name = """features_1""", question_text = """What are the features of this sailboat model: Sunfish"""),
 Question('free_text', question_name = """features_2""", question_text = """What are the features of this sailboat model: Optimist"""),
 Question('free_text', question_name = """features_3""", question_text = """What are the features of this sailboat model: Finn""")]

We can pass the questions to a Survey and then run it:

from edsl import Survey

survey = Survey(questions)
results =

We can check the columns of dataset of Results that have been generated, and see that there are sets of columns for each question identifiable by question name (but no scenario columns):


We can access built-in methods for analyzing results, e.g., printing a table:

┃ answer                      answer                     answer                      answer                    ┃
┃ .features_1                 .features_0                .features_3                 .features_2               ┃
│ The Sunfish is a popular    The Laser is a popular     The Finn is a               The Optimist, often       │
│ sailboat that is known for  one-design class of small  single-handed, cat-rigged   referred to as an "Opti," │
│ its simplicity and ease of  sailing dinghy. Here are   Olympic class sailboat      "Oppie," or "bathtub," is │
│ use, making it a favorite   some of its key features:  that has been a staple of   a small, single-handed    │
│ among beginners and                                    Olympic sailing             sailing dinghy intended   │
│ experienced sailors alike.  1. **Design**: The Laser   competitions since its      for use by children up to │
│ Here are some of its key    is designed to be simple   introduction in the 1950s.  the age of 15. It is one  │
│ features:                   and fast. It has a single  Designed by Swedish canoe   of the most popular       │
│                             sail, a single hull, and   designer Rickard Sarby in   sailing dinghies in the   │
│ 1. **Size and Hull          is built for performance   1949, the Finn has a rich   world, designed to be     │
│ Design**: The Sunfish has   and ease of use.           history and has been the    safe, simple, and stable  │
│ a very simple,                                         boat of choice for many     while providing a         │
│ flat-bottomed hull design.  2. **Size and              legendary sailors.          challenging and           │
│ It is small and             Dimensions**:                                          competitive environment   │
│ lightweight, typically         - Length: 4.23 meters   Here are some of the key    for more advanced young   │
│ about 13.9 feet (4.2        (13.9 feet)                features of the Finn        sailors. Here are some of │
│ meters) in length and 4.1      - Beam (width): 1.37    sailboat:                   the key features of the   │
│ feet (1.2 meters) in beam   meters (4.5 feet)                                      Optimist sailboat model:  │
│ (width). The hull is           - Draft (with the       1. **Hull Design**: The                               │
│ usually made from           centerboard down): 0.787   Finn features a hard-chine  1. Size and Hull:         │
│ fiberglass, which provides  meters (2.6 feet)          hull with a distinctive,       - Length: 7 feet, 9    │
│ a good balance between                                 classic shape that allows   inches (2.36 meters)      │
│ durability and weight.      3. **Sail Area**:          for powerful upwind            - Beam (width): 3      │
│                                - Standard Rig: 7.06    performance. The hull is    feet, 8 inches (1.12      │
│ 2. **Sail**: The boat has   square meters (76 square   relatively heavy, which     meters)                   │
│ a lateen sail (a            feet)                      provides stability in          - Hull weight: roughly │
│ triangular sail), which is     - Radial Rig: 5.76      various wind conditions.    77 pounds (35 kilograms)  │
│ mounted to an un-stayed     square meters (62 square                                  - The hull is          │
│ mast (a mast without        feet)                      2. **Rigging**: The Finn    pram-shaped, which means  │
│ support wires or stays).       - 4.7 Rig: 4.7 square   is equipped with a single   it has a flat front or    │
│ The sail area is typically  meters (50.6 square feet)  mast and one large          "bow," making it more     │
│ around 75 square feet (7                               mainsail (cat-rigged). The  stable and spacious for   │
│ square meters), making it   4. **Rigging**:            sail plan is designed to    its size.                 │
│ manageable for one person.     - The Laser uses a      be adjustable, allowing                               │
│                             fractional rig with a      sailors to optimize         2. Sail and Rigging:      │
│ 3. **Cockpit**: The         single mainsail.           performance by controlling     - The Optimist has a   │
│ cockpit is open and            - There are different   sail shape and tension in   single sail with an area  │
│ self-draining, designed to  sail sizes (Standard,      response to wind            of about 35 square feet   │
│ keep the sailor as dry as   Radial, and 4.7) that      conditions.                 (3.25 square meters).     │
│ possible. It is also        cater to sailors of                                       - It uses a sprit rig, │
│ spacious enough to          different weights and      3. **Size**: The boat is    consisting of two spars   │
│ accommodate up to two       skill levels.              relatively small, with a    (mast and sprit) and      │
│ people, although the boat                              length of about 4.5 meters  three lines (main sheet,  │
│ is generally intended to    5. **Hull Material**: The  (14 feet 9 inches) and a    sprit halyard, and        │
│ be sailed by a single       hull is made from          beam (width) of             downhaul).                │
│ person.                     fiberglass, which          approximately 1.5 meters       - The simplicity of    │
│                             provides a good balance    (4 feet 11 inches).         the rig allows young      │
│ 4. **Rudder and             between durability and                                 sailors to learn the      │
│ Daggerboard**: The Sunfish  performance.               4. **Weight**: A Finn's     basics of sail trim and   │
│ uses a simple rudder for                               hull weighs around 107      boat handling.            │
│ steering, which can be      6. **Cockpit**: The        kilograms (236 pounds),                               │
│ raised and lowered. It      cockpit is designed to be  and the minimum weight      3. Safety and Stability:  │
│ also has a removable        self-draining and is       with all fittings and the      - The Optimist is      │
│ daggerboard that provides   spacious enough to allow   corrector weights is 120    designed to be stable and │
│ lateral resistance and      the sailor to move and     kilograms (265 pounds).     buoyant, which helps to   │
│ stability in the water.     control the boat                                       prevent capsizing.        │
│                             effectively.               5. **Sail Area**: The sail     - The boat has         │
│ 5. **Portability**: Due to                             area is roughly 10 square   built-in flotation in the │
│ its small size and light    7. **Portability**: The    meters (107.6 square        form of air bags or foam  │
│ weight, a Sunfish can be    Laser is relatively        feet), which provides a     blocks, which makes it    │
│ transported on top of a     lightweight                significant amount of       virtually unsinkable.     │
│ car or in a trailer,        (approximately 59          power per square meter of      - A self-bailing       │
│ making it easy to take to   kilograms or 130 pounds    sail area, especially in    system is often           │
│ different bodies of water.  for the hull), which       stronger winds.             incorporated to remove    │
│                             makes it easier to                                     water that may enter the  │
│ 6. **Ease of Rigging**:     transport on a car roof    6. **Construction**:        boat.                     │
│ The rigging on a Sunfish    rack or trailer.           Originally built from                                 │
│ is straightforward, which                              wood, modern Finns are      4. Competition and        │
│ means it can be set up and  8. **Sailing Category**:   typically constructed from  Training:                 │
│ taken down quickly and      It is considered a dinghy  fiberglass or other            - The Optimist is      │
│ easily, often in less than  that can be sailed by one  composite materials,        recognized as an          │
│ 30 minutes.                 person (single-handed).    making them more durable    International Class by    │
│                             However, it can            and easier to maintain.     World Sailing, the        │
│ 7. **Popularity and         accommodate two people if                              international governing   │
│ Community**: The Sunfish    necessary, particularly    7. **Controls**: The Finn   body for the sport of     │
│ has a strong following and  in the larger rig sizes.   is known for its extensive  sailing.                  │
│ an active community of                                 control lines, which allow     - It is used for both  │
│ sailors. There are many     9. **Skill Level**: The    sailors to fine-tune the    beginner training and     │
│ racing events and regattas  boat is suitable for a     boat's performance. These   high-level international  │
│ specifically for Sunfish    wide range of skill        include the outhaul,        competition, including    │
│ sailors, which range from   levels, from beginners to  cunningham, boom vang       the Optimist World        │
│ local club races to         experienced racers. The    (kicker), and adjustable    Championship.             │
│ international               Laser is known for its     mast bend controlled by a                             │
│ competitions.               competitive racing scene   series of levers and        5. Construction:          │
│                             and is used in club,       purchase systems at the        - Optimists can be     │
│ 8. **Versatility**: It is   national, and              base of the mast.           constructed from          │
│ versatile enough to be      international                                          fiberglass or wood, with  │
│ sailed in a wide range of   competitions, including    8. **Physical Demands**:    fiberglass being the more │
│ conditions, from light      the Olympics.              Sailing a Finn requires a   common material in modern │
│ zephyrs to relatively                                  good deal of physical       boats.                    │
│ strong winds. It's a boat   10. **Popularity and       strength and endurance,        - The design is        │
│ that can be enjoyed by      Class Association**: The   especially in heavy winds.  strictly one-design,      │
│ sailors of all ages and     Laser is one of the most   The boat responds well to   meaning that all boats    │
│ skill levels.               popular sailboat classes   athletic sailors who can    are built to the same     │
│                             in the world, with a       work the sail and use       specifications to ensure  │
│                             strong class association   their body weight to        fair competition.         │
│                             that organizes events and  control the boat's balance                            │
│                             maintains class rules.     and performance.            6. Transport and Storage: │
│                                                                                       - Its small size and   │
│                             11. **Olympic Status**:    9. **Olympic Class**: The   lightweight construction  │
│                             The Laser Standard is      Finn has been used in the   make the Optimist easy to │
│                             used for men's             Olympics since the 1952     transport on top of a car │
│                             single-handed              Games in Helsinki, but it   or in a trailer.          │
│                             competition, and the       was scheduled to be            - It can be stored     │
│                             Laser Radial is used for   replaced after the 2020     easily in a garage or a   │
│                             women's single-handed      Tokyo Olympics as part of   boatyard.                 │
│                             competition in the         a shift towards more                                  │
│                             Olympics.                  diverse and gender-neutral  7. Accessibility:         │
│                                                        sailing events.                - The Optimist is      │
│                                                                                    designed to be affordable │
│                                                        10. **Community**: There    and accessible, making it │
│                                                        is a strong and active      a popular choice for      │
│                                                        community of Finn sailors   sailing schools and clubs │
│                                                        around the world, with a    around the world.         │
│                                                        well-established class                                │
│                                                        association that organizes  8. Skill Development:     │
│                                                        events, competitions, and      - Sailing an Optimist  │
│                                                        supports the class's        teaches children wind     │
│                                                        development.                awareness, seamanship,    │
│                                                                                    and racing tactics, which │
│                                                                                    are transferable to       │
│                                                                                    larger boats as they      │
│                                                                                    grow.                     │

Running a question with scenarios

If we instead want to add the scenarios to the question when it is run, we simply add them with the by() method. This will re-administer a question for each scenario:

results =

The results now include columns for the single question but with a separate row for each scenario:

[9]:"sailboat_model", "features").print(format="rich")  #"scenario.*", "answer.*") is equivalent here
┃ scenario         answer                                                                                        ┃
┃ .sailboat_model  .features                                                                                     ┃
│ Laser            The Laser is a popular one-design class of small sailing dinghy. Here are some of its key     │
│                  features:                                                                                     │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  1. **Design**: The Laser is designed to be simple and fast. It has a single sail, a single    │
│                  hull, and is built for performance and ease of use.                                           │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  2. **Size and Dimensions**:                                                                   │
│                     - Length: 4.23 meters (13.9 feet)                                                          │
│                     - Beam (width): 1.37 meters (4.5 feet)                                                     │
│                     - Draft (with the centerboard down): 0.787 meters (2.6 feet)                               │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  3. **Sail Area**:                                                                             │
│                     - Standard Rig: 7.06 square meters (76 square feet)                                        │
│                     - Radial Rig: 5.76 square meters (62 square feet)                                          │
│                     - 4.7 Rig: 4.7 square meters (50.6 square feet)                                            │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  4. **Rigging**:                                                                               │
│                     - The Laser uses a fractional rig with a single mainsail.                                  │
│                     - There are different sail sizes (Standard, Radial, and 4.7) that cater to sailors of      │
│                  different weights and skill levels.                                                           │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  5. **Hull Material**: The hull is made from fiberglass, which provides a good balance between │
│                  durability and performance.                                                                   │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  6. **Cockpit**: The cockpit is designed to be self-draining and is spacious enough to allow   │
│                  the sailor to move and control the boat effectively.                                          │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  7. **Portability**: The Laser is relatively lightweight (approximately 59 kilograms or 130    │
│                  pounds for the hull), which makes it easier to transport on a car roof rack or trailer.       │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  8. **Sailing Category**: It is considered a dinghy that can be sailed by one person           │
│                  (single-handed). However, it can accommodate two people if necessary, particularly in the     │
│                  larger rig sizes.                                                                             │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  9. **Skill Level**: The boat is suitable for a wide range of skill levels, from beginners to  │
│                  experienced racers. The Laser is known for its competitive racing scene and is used in club,  │
│                  national, and international competitions, including the Olympics.                             │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  10. **Popularity and Class Association**: The Laser is one of the most popular sailboat       │
│                  classes in the world, with a strong class association that organizes events and maintains     │
│                  class rules.                                                                                  │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  11. **Olympic Status**: The Laser Standard is used for men's single-handed competition, and   │
│                  the Laser Radial is used for women's single-handed competition in the Olympics.               │
│ Sunfish          The Sunfish is a popular sailboat that is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it │
│                  a favorite among beginners and experienced sailors alike. Here are some of its key features:  │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  1. **Size and Hull Design**: The Sunfish has a very simple, flat-bottomed hull design. It is  │
│                  small and lightweight, typically about 13.9 feet (4.2 meters) in length and 4.1 feet (1.2     │
│                  meters) in beam (width). The hull is usually made from fiberglass, which provides a good      │
│                  balance between durability and weight.                                                        │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  2. **Sail**: The boat has a lateen sail (a triangular sail), which is mounted to an un-stayed │
│                  mast (a mast without support wires or stays). The sail area is typically around 75 square     │
│                  feet (7 square meters), making it manageable for one person.                                  │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  3. **Cockpit**: The cockpit is open and self-draining, designed to keep the sailor as dry as  │
│                  possible. It is also spacious enough to accommodate up to two people, although the boat is    │
│                  generally intended to be sailed by a single person.                                           │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  4. **Rudder and Daggerboard**: The Sunfish uses a simple rudder for steering, which can be    │
│                  raised and lowered. It also has a removable daggerboard that provides lateral resistance and  │
│                  stability in the water.                                                                       │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  5. **Portability**: Due to its small size and light weight, a Sunfish can be transported on   │
│                  top of a car or in a trailer, making it easy to take to different bodies of water.            │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  6. **Ease of Rigging**: The rigging on a Sunfish is straightforward, which means it can be    │
│                  set up and taken down quickly and easily, often in less than 30 minutes.                      │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  7. **Popularity and Community**: The Sunfish has a strong following and an active community   │
│                  of sailors. There are many racing events and regattas specifically for Sunfish sailors, which │
│                  range from local club races to international competitions.                                    │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  8. **Versatility**: It is versatile enough to be sailed in a wide range of conditions, from   │
│                  light zephyrs to relatively strong winds. It's a boat that can be enjoyed by sailors of all   │
│                  ages and skill levels.                                                                        │
│ Optimist         The Optimist, often referred to as an "Opti," "Oppie," or "bathtub," is a small,              │
│                  single-handed sailing dinghy intended for use by children up to the age of 15. It is one of   │
│                  the most popular sailing dinghies in the world, designed to be safe, simple, and stable while │
│                  providing a challenging and competitive environment for more advanced young sailors. Here are │
│                  some of the key features of the Optimist sailboat model:                                      │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  1. Size and Hull:                                                                             │
│                     - Length: 7 feet, 9 inches (2.36 meters)                                                   │
│                     - Beam (width): 3 feet, 8 inches (1.12 meters)                                             │
│                     - Hull weight: roughly 77 pounds (35 kilograms)                                            │
│                     - The hull is pram-shaped, which means it has a flat front or "bow," making it more stable │
│                  and spacious for its size.                                                                    │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  2. Sail and Rigging:                                                                          │
│                     - The Optimist has a single sail with an area of about 35 square feet (3.25 square         │
│                  meters).                                                                                      │
│                     - It uses a sprit rig, consisting of two spars (mast and sprit) and three lines (main      │
│                  sheet, sprit halyard, and downhaul).                                                          │
│                     - The simplicity of the rig allows young sailors to learn the basics of sail trim and boat │
│                  handling.                                                                                     │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  3. Safety and Stability:                                                                      │
│                     - The Optimist is designed to be stable and buoyant, which helps to prevent capsizing.     │
│                     - The boat has built-in flotation in the form of air bags or foam blocks, which makes it   │
│                  virtually unsinkable.                                                                         │
│                     - A self-bailing system is often incorporated to remove water that may enter the boat.     │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  4. Competition and Training:                                                                  │
│                     - The Optimist is recognized as an International Class by World Sailing, the international │
│                  governing body for the sport of sailing.                                                      │
│                     - It is used for both beginner training and high-level international competition,          │
│                  including the Optimist World Championship.                                                    │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  5. Construction:                                                                              │
│                     - Optimists can be constructed from fiberglass or wood, with fiberglass being the more     │
│                  common material in modern boats.                                                              │
│                     - The design is strictly one-design, meaning that all boats are built to the same          │
│                  specifications to ensure fair competition.                                                    │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  6. Transport and Storage:                                                                     │
│                     - Its small size and lightweight construction make the Optimist easy to transport on top   │
│                  of a car or in a trailer.                                                                     │
│                     - It can be stored easily in a garage or a boatyard.                                       │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  7. Accessibility:                                                                             │
│                     - The Optimist is designed to be affordable and accessible, making it a popular choice for │
│                  sailing schools and clubs around the world.                                                   │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  8. Skill Development:                                                                         │
│                     - Sailing an Optimist teaches children wind awareness, seamanship, and racing tactics,     │
│                  which are transferable to larger boats as they grow.                                          │
│ Finn             The Finn is a single-handed, cat-rigged Olympic class sailboat that has been a staple of      │
│                  Olympic sailing competitions since its introduction in the 1950s. Designed by Swedish canoe   │
│                  designer Rickard Sarby in 1949, the Finn has a rich history and has been the boat of choice   │
│                  for many legendary sailors.                                                                   │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  Here are some of the key features of the Finn sailboat:                                       │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  1. **Hull Design**: The Finn features a hard-chine hull with a distinctive, classic shape     │
│                  that allows for powerful upwind performance. The hull is relatively heavy, which provides     │
│                  stability in various wind conditions.                                                         │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  2. **Rigging**: The Finn is equipped with a single mast and one large mainsail (cat-rigged).  │
│                  The sail plan is designed to be adjustable, allowing sailors to optimize performance by       │
│                  controlling sail shape and tension in response to wind conditions.                            │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  3. **Size**: The boat is relatively small, with a length of about 4.5 meters (14 feet 9       │
│                  inches) and a beam (width) of approximately 1.5 meters (4 feet 11 inches).                    │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  4. **Weight**: A Finn's hull weighs around 107 kilograms (236 pounds), and the minimum weight │
│                  with all fittings and the corrector weights is 120 kilograms (265 pounds).                    │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  5. **Sail Area**: The sail area is roughly 10 square meters (107.6 square feet), which        │
│                  provides a significant amount of power per square meter of sail area, especially in stronger  │
│                  winds.                                                                                        │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  6. **Construction**: Originally built from wood, modern Finns are typically constructed from  │
│                  fiberglass or other composite materials, making them more durable and easier to maintain.     │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  7. **Controls**: The Finn is known for its extensive control lines, which allow sailors to    │
│                  fine-tune the boat's performance. These include the outhaul, cunningham, boom vang (kicker),  │
│                  and adjustable mast bend controlled by a series of levers and purchase systems at the base of │
│                  the mast.                                                                                     │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  8. **Physical Demands**: Sailing a Finn requires a good deal of physical strength and         │
│                  endurance, especially in heavy winds. The boat responds well to athletic sailors who can work │
│                  the sail and use their body weight to control the boat's balance and performance.             │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  9. **Olympic Class**: The Finn has been used in the Olympics since the 1952 Games in          │
│                  Helsinki, but it was scheduled to be replaced after the 2020 Tokyo Olympics as part of a      │
│                  shift towards more diverse and gender-neutral sailing events.                                 │
│                                                                                                                │
│                  10. **Community**: There is a strong and active community of Finn sailors around the world,   │
│                  with a well-established class association that organizes events, competitions, and supports   │
│                  the class's development.                                                                      │

Posting to the Coop

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from edsl import Notebook
n = Notebook(path = "question_loop_scenarios.ipynb")
n.push(description = "New question method `loop` for creating questions with scenarios", visibility = "public")
{'description': 'New question method `loop` for creating questions with scenarios',
 'object_type': 'notebook',
 'url': '',
 'uuid': '54bc4f5d-bda5-4c25-9860-0e23af251341',
 'version': '0.1.33.dev1',
 'visibility': 'public'}

To update an object at the Coop:

n = Notebook(path = "question_loop_scenarios.ipynb")
n.patch(uuid = "54bc4f5d-bda5-4c25-9860-0e23af251341", value = n)
{'status': 'success'}