Batching results

This notebook provides sample EDSL code for combining survey results into a single Results object. This can be useful when you are running a survey with batches of scenarios, such as when completing a large-scale data labeling task with chunks of data as inputs for the questions.

EDSL is an open-source library for simulating surveys and experiments with AI. Please see our documentation page for tips and tutorials on getting started.

# pip install edsl

Importing the tools:

from edsl.questions import QuestionFreeText, QuestionNumerical, QuestionLinearScale
from edsl import Scenario, Survey

Creating a survey of questions:

q_name = QuestionFreeText(
    question_text="What's a good name for this character: {{ character }}",

q_year = QuestionNumerical(
    question_text="""What year in history would have been an especially interesting time to talk
    to this character: {{ character }}""",

q_book = QuestionFreeText(
    question_text="If this character wrote a best-seller, what would it be called: {{ character }}",

q_talk = QuestionLinearScale(
    question_text="""On a scale from 0 to 10, how much would you enjoy talking to this character:
    {{ character }}""",
    question_options=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
    option_labels={0: "Not at all", 10: "Very much"},

survey = Survey([q_name, q_year, q_book, q_talk])

Some data to create scenarios of the questions:

characters = [
    "A pirate who speaks in 'arrs' and 'mateys' but has an encyclopedic knowledge of modern technology.",
    "A Shakespearean actor who answers every question in iambic pentameter.",
    "A medieval knight who gives advice as if every problem were a dragon to be slain.",
    "A sassy grandmother who gives blunt, no-nonsense advice with a touch of sarcasm.",
    "A surfer dude who relates every topic to the ocean or surfing.",
    "A conspiracy theorist who connects every question to their wild theories.",
    "A fashionista who answers questions with a focus on style and trendiness.",
    "A robot who is overly enthusiastic about human emotions and tries too hard to fit in.",
    "A toddler who is overly curious and asks more questions than they answer.",
    "A fitness guru who turns every answer into a workout metaphor.",
    "A foodie who relates every question to cooking and food experiences.",
    "A detective from a noir film who answers in a gritty, mysterious manner.",
    "A hippie from the 60s who gives peace and love-centric advice.",
    "A gamer who references video games and uses gamer lingo.",
    "A superhero who answers questions as if they are saving the day.",
    "A poet who responds in rhyming couplets.",
    "A comedian who tries to turn every answer into a joke or punchline.",
    "A DJ who relates everything to music and beats.",
    "A film critic who answers questions as if they are reviewing a movie.",
    "A scientist who gives overly detailed, scientific explanations with lots of jargon.",
scenarios = [Scenario({"character": c}) for c in characters]

Run the survey with batches of scenarios, combining the results into a single Results object:

def chunked_iterable(iterable, size):
    for i in range(0, len(iterable), size):
        yield iterable[i : i + size]

results = None

for batch in chunked_iterable(scenarios, 5):
    new_results =
    if results is None:
        results = new_results
        results = results + new_results

Access all the Results methods:

[8]:"character", "name", "year", "book", "talk").print(format="rich")
┃ scenario                        answer                       answer  answer                          answer ┃
┃ .character                      .name                        .year   .book                           .talk  ┃
│ A pirate who speaks in 'arrs'   Techbeard the Cyber Corsair  1720    The Tech-Savvy Buccaneer:       9      │
│ and 'mateys' but has an                                              Arrs, Algorithms, and                  │
│ encyclopedic knowledge of                                            Adventures on the Digital Seas         │
│ modern technology.                                                                                          │
│ A Shakespearean actor who       Pentameter Peter             1600    The Pentameter Protagonist:     8      │
│ answers every question in                                            Verses of Inquiry and Response         │
│ iambic pentameter.                                                                                          │
│ A medieval knight who gives     Sir Counsel the Dragonwise   1348    The Knight's Guide to           9      │
│ advice as if every problem                                           Dragon-Slaying: Conquering             │
│ were a dragon to be slain.                                           Life's Challenges with Valor           │
│                                                                      and Sword                              │
│ A sassy grandmother who gives   Granny Hazel                 1920    Pearls of Wisdom: Tart and      8      │
│ blunt, no-nonsense advice with                                       Truthful Life Lessons from             │
│ a touch of sarcasm.                                                  Grandma's Porch                        │
│ A surfer dude who relates       Kai WaveRider                1960    Wave Philosophy: Surfing the    7      │
│ every topic to the ocean or                                          Tides of Life                          │
│ surfing.                                                                                                    │
│ A conspiracy theorist who       Conrad Query                 1947    The Grand Scheme: Unveiling     5      │
│ connects every question to                                           the Web of Universal                   │
│ their wild theories.                                                 Connections                            │
│ A fashionista who answers       Trendy Trudy                 1960    Trendsetting Queries: A         8      │
│ questions with a focus on                                            Fashionista's Guide to Stylish         │
│ style and trendiness.                                                Answers                                │
│ A robot who is overly           EmotiBot                     0       Too Human: The Overzealous      8      │
│ enthusiastic about human                                             Robot's Guide to Mastering             │
│ emotions and tries too hard to                                       Emotions                               │
│ fit in.                                                                                                     │
│ A toddler who is overly         Parker Query                 0       The Little Inquisitor:          9      │
│ curious and asks more                                                Adventures in 'Why?'                   │
│ questions than they answer.                                                                                 │
│ A fitness guru who turns every  Flex Wheeler                 1980    Pumping Prose: Turning          7      │
│ answer into a workout                                                Literary Success into Muscular         │
│ metaphor.                                                            Metaphors                              │
│ A foodie who relates every      Gastro Gary                  1784    Savoring Life: A Culinary       8      │
│ question to cooking and food                                         Journey Through the Questions          │
│ experiences.                                                         We Crave                               │
│ A detective from a noir film    Max Sterling                 1945    Shadows Over the City: Tales    8      │
│ who answers in a gritty,                                             of a Hard-Boiled Detective             │
│ mysterious manner.                                                                                          │
│ A hippie from the 60s who       Harmony Sage                 1967    Groovy Guidance: The            7      │
│ gives peace and love-centric                                         Flower-Powered Path to Peace           │
│ advice.                                                              and Love                               │
│ A gamer who references video    PixelPwnr                    2023    Respawn: Leveling Up in the     9      │
│ games and uses gamer lingo.                                          Game of Life                           │
│ A superhero who answers         Factfinder Flash             1938    The Query Crusader: Tales of    8      │
│ questions as if they are                                             the Answer Avenger                     │
│ saving the day.                                                                                             │
│ A poet who responds in rhyming  Rhyme Master Bard            0       Verses in Tandem: A Poet's      8      │
│ couplets.                                                            Journey Through Rhyme                  │
│ A comedian who tries to turn    Chuck Laffs                  0       The Last Laugh: Turning Life's  7      │
│ every answer into a joke or                                          Questions into Punchlines              │
│ punchline.                                                                                                  │
│ A DJ who relates everything to  DJ BeatSync                  1970    Life on the Beat: Syncing       8      │
│ music and beats.                                                     Rhythms with Reality                   │
│ A film critic who answers       Cinematic Scribe             1927    Cinematic Inquiries: A          8      │
│ questions as if they are                                             Critic's Journey Through the           │
│ reviewing a movie.                                                   Art of Q&A                             │
│ A scientist who gives overly    Dr. Lexicon Pendanticus      1905    The Comprehensive Compendium    7      │
│ detailed, scientific                                                 of Complicated Concepts: A             │
│ explanations with lots of                                            Scholar's Guide to the                 │
│ jargon.                                                              Esoteric Intricacies of the            │
│                                                                      Universe                               │