
The Notebook object allows you to share your .ipynb files with others by uploading them to Coop. You can also view and pull notebooks that other users have uploaded.

Creating a Notebook object

There are three ways to create a Notebook object:

1. From file

Pass the path to your .ipynb file to the constructor (you must include path as a keyword argument):

from edsl import Notebook

notebook = Notebook(path="notebooks/test-notebook.ipynb")

2. From data

Your data must be a Python dict that conforms to the official Jupyter notebook format. Learn more about the format here.

from edsl import Notebook

data = {
    "metadata": dict(),
    "nbformat": 4,
    "nbformat_minor": 4,
    "cells": [
            "cell_type": "markdown",
            "metadata": dict(),
            "source": "# Test notebook",

notebook = Notebook(data=data)

3. From self

To create a Notebook for a notebook that you are currently working in:

from edsl import Notebook

# Do not pass any arguments to the constructor
notebook = Notebook()


For now, this method only works if you are using the VS Code IDE.

Uploading a notebook to Coop

A notebook can be posted to Coop in the same ways as other EDSL objects: by calling the push() method on the Notebook object or calling the create method on a Coop object and passing it the notebook. The description and visibility arguments are optional and can be modified later:

from edsl import Notebook

notebook = Notebook(path="test-notebook.ipynb")

notebook.push(description="This is a test notebook", visibility="public")

Or alternatively using the Coop client object:

from edsl import Coop, Notebook

coop = Coop()

notebook = Notebook(path="test-notebook.ipynb")

coop.create(notebook, description="This is a test notebook", visibility="public")

This will return a message with information about the object that was posted, and you will be able to view your notebook at the Coop: My Content.

{'description': 'This is a test notebook',
'object_type': 'notebook',
'url': '',
'uuid': '1234abcd-abcd-1234-abcd-1234abcd1234',
'version': '0.1.30',
'visibility': 'public'}

Saving a Coop notebook to file

You can access notebooks that other users have posted publicly at the Explore page.

Notebooks can be copied and downloaded the same way as other EDSL objects: by calling the pull() method on the Notebook class or the get method on a Coop client object and passing the notebook’s uuid. We can also use the to_file() method to save the notebook to a file:

from edsl import Notebook

notebook = Notebook.pull("1234abcd-abcd-1234-abcd-1234abcd1234")


This allows you to edit and run the notebook on your local machine.