Remote Inference

Remote inference allows you to run EDSL surveys on the Expected Parrot server instead of your local machine.

Activating remote inference

  1. Create a Coop account. (Learn more about Coop features in the Coop section.)

  2. Navigate to your Coop API settings page:

Coop main page
  1. Copy your Expected Parrot API key:

Coop main page

Save it to a .env file in your working directory. Your .env file should include the following line (replace your_key_here with your actual Expected Parrot API key):

  1. Locate your EDSL Settings and toggle the slider for Remote inference to turn it on:

Remote inference toggle on the Coop web app

When remote inference is on, surveys that you run will be sent to the Expected Parrot server for processing.

You can also toggle Remote cache to turn on remote caching. Learn more about using remote caching with remote inference in the Remote Caching section.

Using remote inference

Use remote inference by passing a remote_inference_description string to the run() method of a survey. This string will be used to identify your job on the Expected Parrot server.


We start by creating an example survey:

from edsl import QuestionMultipleChoice, Survey

q = QuestionMultipleChoice.example()

survey = Survey(questions=[q])

Estimating cost

Running jobs on the Expected Parrot server requires credits (1 credit = $0.01 USD).

We can estimate the cost of running a survey by creating a Coop client object and passing the survey in the remote_inference_cost() method:

from edsl import Coop

coop = Coop()




This survey will cost approximately 2 credits to run.

Additional credits can be purchased at the Purchases page.

Running a job

We can run the survey remotely by passing a remote_inference_description string to the run method:"Example survey", verbose=True)

Output (actual details will be unique to your job):

Remote inference activated. Sending job to server...
Job sent!
┃ answer             ┃ answer                               ┃ answer  ┃ answer      ┃
┃ .info              ┃ .uuid                                ┃ .status ┃ .version    ┃
│ Remote job details │ 1234abcd-abcd-1234-abcd-1234abcd1234 │ queued  │ 0.1.31      │

The job will appear at your Remote Inference page with a status of “Queued”:

Remote inference page on the Coop web app. There is one job shown, and it has a status of "Queued."

There are 6 status indicators for a job:

  1. Queued: Your job has been added to the queue.

  2. Running: Your job has started running.

  3. Completed: Your job has finished running successfully.

  4. Failed: Your job threw an error.

  5. Cancelling: You have sent a cancellation request by pressing the Cancel button.

  6. Cancelled: Your cancellation request has been processed. Your job will no longer run.

Viewing the results

Once your job has finished, it will appear at the Remote Inference page with a status of “Completed”

Remote inference page on the Coop web app. There is one job shown, and it has a status of "Completed."

You can now click on the View link to access the results of your job. Your results are provided as an EDSL object for you to view, pull, and share with others.

You can also access the results URL from EDSL by calling coop.remote_cache_get() and passing the UUID assigned when the job was run:

from edsl import Coop

coop = Coop()



  "jobs_uuid": "1234abcd-abcd-1234-abcd-1234abcd1234",
  "results_uuid": "5678wxyz-wxyz-5678-wxyz-5678wxyz5678",
  "results_url": "",
  "status": "completed",
  "reason": None,
  "price": 2,
  "version": "0.1.31",

Job history

You can click on any job to view its history. When a job fails, the job history logs will describe the error that caused the failure:

A screenshot of job history logs on the Coop web app. The job has failed due to insufficient funds.

Job history can also provide important information about cancellation. When you cancel a job, one of two things must be true:

  1. The job hasn’t started running yet. No credits will be deducted from your balance.

  2. The job has started running. Credits will be deducted.

When a late cancellation has occurred, the credits deduction will be reflected in your job history.

A screenshot of job history logs on the Coop web app. The job has been cancelled late, and 2 credits have been deducted from the user's balance.

Using remote inference with remote caching

When remote caching and remote inference are both turned on, your remote jobs will use your remote cache entries when applicable.

Remote cache and remote inference toggles on the Coop web app

Let’s rerun the survey from earlier:"Example survey rerun", verbose=True)

After running this survey, you will have a new entry in the remote cache. This is reflected in your remote cache logs:

Remote cache logs on the Coop web app. There is one log that reads, "Add 1 new cache entry from remote inference job."

If the remote cache has been used for a particular job, the details will also show up in job history:

An entry in the job history log on the Coop web app. It shows that 1 new entry was added to the remote cache during this job.

Remote inference methods

Coop class