CSV example
Here we create an example CSV file, post it to Coop using FileStore
, and then retrieve it and use it to construct a ScenarioList
and an AgentList
To create a CSV file (this step can be skipped and your own file replaced in the following steps):
data = [
['Age', 'City', 'Occupation'],
[25, 'New York', 'Software Engineer'],
[30, 'San Francisco', 'Teacher'],
[35, 'Chicago', 'Doctor'],
[28, 'Boston', 'Data Scientist'],
[45, 'Seattle', 'Architect']
# Writing to CSV file
with open('data.csv', 'w') as file:
for row in data:
line = ','.join(str(item) for item in row)
file.write(line + '\n')
Posting to Coop:
from edsl import FileStore
fs = FileStore("data.csv")
csv_info = fs.push(description = "My example CSV file", alias = "my-example-csv-file", visibility = "public")
csv_info # display the URL and Coop uuid of the stored file for retrieving it later
{'description': 'My example CSV file',
'object_type': 'scenario',
'url': '',
'uuid': '17c0e3d3-8d08-4ae0-bc7d-384a56a07e4e',
'version': '0.1.47.dev1',
'visibility': 'public'}
Retrieving the file:
fs = FileStore.pull("")
This is equivalent:
fs = FileStore.pull(csv_info["uuid"])
Creating scenarios:
from edsl import ScenarioList
scenarios = ScenarioList.from_csv(fs.to_tempfile())
scenarios # display the scenarios
ScenarioList scenarios: 5; keys: ['City', 'Occupation', 'Age'];
Age | City | Occupation | |
0 | 25 | New York | Software Engineer |
1 | 30 | San Francisco | Teacher |
2 | 35 | Chicago | Doctor |
3 | 28 | Boston | Data Scientist |
4 | 45 | Seattle | Architect |
Creating agents:
from edsl import AgentList
agents = AgentList.from_csv(fs.to_tempfile())
agents # display the agents
AgentList agents: 5;
Age | City | Occupation | |
0 | 25 | New York | Software Engineer |
1 | 30 | San Francisco | Teacher |
2 | 35 | Chicago | Doctor |
3 | 28 | Boston | Data Scientist |
4 | 45 | Seattle | Architect |
These scenarios and agents can now be used with questions and surveys.
PNG example
Here we post an image file to Coop using FileStore
, and then retrieve it and use it to construct a Scenario
Note that we need to specify the scenario key for the file when we create it (whereas in CSV files the keys are taken from the text of the header row).
We also need to ensure that we have specified a vision model when running the survey (e.g., gpt-4o).
Posting a local file to Coop (replace with your own):
from edsl import FileStore
fs = FileStore("parrot_logo.png")
png_info = fs.push(description = "My example PNG file", alias = "my-example-png-file", visibility = "public")
png_info # display the URL and Coop uuid of the stored file for retrieving it later
{'description': 'My example PNG file',
'object_type': 'scenario',
'url': '',
'uuid': 'b261660e-11a3-4bec-8864-0b6ec76dfbee',
'version': '0.1.47.dev1',
'visibility': 'public'}
Retrieving the file:
fs = FileStore.pull("")
This is equivalent:
fs = FileStore.pull(png_info["uuid"])
Creating a scenario:
from edsl import Scenario
image_scenario = Scenario({"parrot_logo":fs}) # including a key for the scenario object
To rename a scenario:
image_scenario = image_scenario.rename({"parrot_logo": "logo"}) # key = old name, value = new name
Using an image scenario:
from edsl import QuestionFreeText, Model
model = Model("gpt-4o") # we need to use a vision model
q = QuestionFreeText(
question_name = "test",
question_text = "Describe this logo: {{ logo }}"
results =
Job UUID | e1ba2208-3400-41f3-a20c-e2e5f0455c99 |
Progress Bar URL | |
Exceptions Report URL | None |
Results UUID | bd2f016c-5747-43be-b7d9-da769d89cd48 |
Results URL | |
[13]:"model", "logo", "test")
model.model | scenario.logo | answer.test | |
0 | gpt-4o | FileStore: self.path | The logo features a large, stylized letter "E" in gray on the left. To the right of the "E" is an illustration of a parrot. The parrot is primarily green with an orange beak, a red chest, and blue lower body. It is enclosed in square brackets, also in gray. |
PDF example
Here we save a PDF from the internet, then post it to Coop and retrieve it using FileStore
, and then use it to construct a ScenarioList
Note that the default scenario keys for a PDF are filename
, page
and text
Selecting a file to use:
import requests
url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
with open("automated_social_scientist.pdf", "wb") as file:
Posting to Coop:
from edsl import FileStore
fs = FileStore("automated_social_scientist.pdf")
pdf_info = fs.push(description = "My example PDF file", alias = "my-example-pdf-file", visibility = "public")
pdf_info # display the URL and Coop uuid of the stored file for retrieving it later
{'description': 'My example PDF file',
'object_type': 'scenario',
'url': '',
'uuid': 'e1770915-7e69-436d-b2ca-f0f92c6f56ba',
'version': '0.1.47.dev1',
'visibility': 'public'}
Retriving the file:
fs = FileStore.pull("")
This is equivalent:
fs = FileStore.pull(pdf_info["uuid"])
Creating scenarios:
from edsl import ScenarioList
scenarios = ScenarioList.from_pdf(fs.to_tempfile())
Inspecting the default keys:
{'filename', 'page', 'text'}
Posting to Coop
Here we post this notebook to Coop, and show how to update it:
from edsl import Notebook
n = Notebook(path = "filestore_examples_new.ipynb")
info = n.push(description = "FileStore examples", alias = "my-example-filestore-notebook", visibility = "public")
{'description': 'FileStore examples',
'object_type': 'notebook',
'url': '',
'uuid': '02d57890-31c2-4bb8-ae7c-f646ac254d5a',
'version': '0.1.47.dev1',
'visibility': 'public'}
Use the patch()
method to update an object at Coop:
n = Notebook(path = "filestore_examples_new.ipynb") # resave
n.patch("", value = n)
{'status': 'success'}