
The Jobs class is a collection of agents, scenarios and models and one survey. It is used to run a collection of interviews.

Base Question

This module contains the Question class, which is the base class for all questions in EDSL.

class edsl.questions.QuestionBase.QuestionBase[source]

Bases: PersistenceMixin, RepresentationMixin, SimpleAskMixin, QuestionBasePromptsMixin, QuestionBaseGenMixin, ABC, AnswerValidatorMixin

ABC for the Question class. All questions inherit from this class. Some of the constraints on child questions are defined in the RegisterQuestionsMeta metaclass.

class ValidatedAnswer[source]

Bases: TypedDict

answer: Any[source]
comment: str | None[source]
generated_tokens: str | None[source]
add_question(other: QuestionBase) Survey[source]

Add a question to this question by turning them into a survey with two questions.

>>> from edsl.questions import QuestionFreeText as Q
>>> from edsl.questions import QuestionMultipleChoice as QMC
>>> s = Q.example().add_question(QMC.example())
>>> len(s.questions)
by(*args) Jobs[source]

Turn a single question into a survey and then a Job.

property data: dict[source]

Return a dictionary of question attributes except for question_type.

>>> from edsl import QuestionFreeText as Q
>>> Q.example().data
{'question_name': 'how_are_you', 'question_text': 'How are you?'}
classmethod example_model()[source]
classmethod example_results()[source]
property fake_data_factory[source]

Return the fake data factory.

classmethod from_dict(data: dict) Type[QuestionBase][source]

Construct a question object from a dictionary created by that question’s to_dict method.

html(scenario: dict | None = None, agent: dict | None = {}, answers: dict | None = None, include_question_name: bool = False, height: int | None = None, width: int | None = None, iframe=False)[source]

Return the question in HTML format.

human_readable() str[source]

Print the question in a human readable format.

>>> from edsl.questions import QuestionFreeText
>>> QuestionFreeText.example().human_readable()
'Question Type: free_text\nQuestion: How are you?'
property name: str[source]

Helper function so questions and instructions can use the same access method

question_name: str[source]

Validate that the question_name attribute is a valid variable name.

question_text: str[source]

Validate that the question_text attribute is a string.

>>> class TestQuestion:
...     question_text = QuestionTextDescriptor()
...     def __init__(self, question_text: str):
...         self.question_text = question_text
>>> _ = TestQuestion("What is the capital of France?")
>>> _ = TestQuestion("What is the capital of France? {{variable}}")
>>> _ = TestQuestion("What is the capital of France? {{variable name}}")
Traceback (most recent call last):
edsl.exceptions.questions.QuestionCreationValidationError: Question text contains an invalid identifier: 'variable name'
property response_model: type['BaseModel'][source]
property response_validator: ResponseValidatorBase[source]

Return the response validator.


Print the question in a rich format.

run(*args, **kwargs) Results[source]

Turn a single question into a survey and runs it.

async run_async(just_answer: bool = True, model: 'Model' | None = None, agent: 'Agent' | None = None, disable_remote_inference: bool = False, **kwargs) Any | 'Results'[source]

Call the question asynchronously.

>>> import asyncio
>>> from edsl import QuestionFreeText as Q
>>> m = Q._get_test_model(canned_response = "Blue")
>>> q = Q(question_name = "color", question_text = "What is your favorite color?")
>>> async def test_run_async(): result = await q.run_async(model=m, disable_remote_inference = True); print(result)
classmethod run_example(show_answer: bool = True, model: 'LanguageModel' | None = None, cache=False, disable_remote_cache: bool = False, disable_remote_inference: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Run an example of the question. >>> from edsl.language_models import LanguageModel >>> from edsl import QuestionFreeText as Q >>> m = Q._get_test_model(canned_response = “Yo, what’s up?”) >>> m.execute_model_call(“”, “”) {‘message’: [{‘text’: “Yo, what’s up?”}], ‘usage’: {‘prompt_tokens’: 1, ‘completion_tokens’: 1}} >>> Q.run_example(show_answer = True, model = m, disable_remote_cache = True, disable_remote_inference = True) Dataset([{‘answer.how_are_you’: [“Yo, what’s up?”]}])


Convert the question to a dictionary that includes the question type (used in deserialization).

>>> from edsl import QuestionFreeText as Q; Q.example().to_dict(add_edsl_version = False)
{'question_name': 'how_are_you', 'question_text': 'How are you?', 'question_type': 'free_text'}
to_survey() Survey[source]

Turn a single question into a survey. >>> from edsl import QuestionFreeText as Q >>> Q.example().to_survey().questions[0].question_name ‘how_are_you’

property validator_parameters: list[str][source]

Return the parameters required for the response validator.

>>> from edsl import QuestionMultipleChoice as Q
>>> Q.example().validator_parameters
['question_options', 'use_code']

Jobs class

class Survey, agents: list['Agent'] | None = None, models: list['LanguageModel'] | None = None, scenarios: list['Scenario'] | None = None)[source]

Bases: Base

A collection of agents, scenarios and models and one survey. The actual running of a job is done by a JobsRunner, which is a subclass of JobsRunner. The JobsRunner is chosen by the user, and is stored in the jobs_runner_name attribute.

property agents[source]

Return all the fields in the questions in the survey. >>> from import Jobs >>> Jobs.example().all_question_parameters() {‘period’}

property bucket_collection: BucketCollection[source]

Return the bucket collection. If it does not exist, create it.

by(*args: 'Agent' | 'Scenario' | 'LanguageModel' | Sequence['Agent' | 'Scenario' | 'LanguageModel']) Jobs[source]

Add Agents, Scenarios and LanguageModels to a job. If no objects of this type exist in the Jobs instance, it stores the new objects as a list in the corresponding attribute. Otherwise, it combines the new objects with existing objects using the object’s __add__ method.

This ‘by’ is intended to create a fluent interface.

>>> from edsl import Survey
>>> from edsl import QuestionFreeText
>>> q = QuestionFreeText(question_name="name", question_text="What is your name?")
>>> j = Jobs(survey = Survey(questions=[q]))
>>> j
Jobs(survey=Survey(...), agents=AgentList([]), models=ModelList([]), scenarios=ScenarioList([]))
>>> from edsl import Agent; a = Agent(traits = {"status": "Sad"})
AgentList([Agent(traits = {'status': 'Sad'})])

args – objects or a sequence (list, tuple, …) of objects of the same type

Notes: - all objects must implement the ‘get_value’, ‘set_value’, and __add__ methods - agents: traits of new agents are combined with traits of existing agents. New and existing agents should not have overlapping traits, and do not increase the # agents in the instance - scenarios: traits of new scenarios are combined with traits of old existing. New scenarios will overwrite overlapping traits, and do not increase the number of scenarios in the instance - models: new models overwrite old models.


Return the code to create this instance.

static compute_job_cost(job_results: Results) float[source]

Computes the cost of a completed job in USD.

create_bucket_collection() BucketCollection[source]

Create a collection of buckets for each model.

These buckets are used to track API calls and token usage.

>>> from import Jobs
>>> from edsl import Model
>>> j = Jobs.example().by(Model(temperature = 1), Model(temperature = 0.5))
>>> bc = j.create_bucket_collection()
>>> bc
estimate_job_cost(iterations: int = 1) dict[source]

Estimate the cost of running the job.


iterations – the number of iterations to run

estimate_job_cost_from_external_prices(price_lookup: dict, iterations: int = 1) dict[source]
static estimate_prompt_cost(system_prompt: str, user_prompt: str, price_lookup: dict, inference_service: str, model: str) dict[source]

Estimate the cost of running the prompts. :param iterations: the number of iterations to run

classmethod example(throw_exception_probability: float = 0.0, randomize: bool = False, test_model=False) Jobs[source]

Return an example Jobs instance.

  • throw_exception_probability – the probability that an exception will be thrown when answering a question. This is useful for testing error handling.

  • randomize – whether to randomize the job by adding a random string to the period

  • test_model – whether to use a test model

>>> Jobs.example()
classmethod from_dict(data: dict) Jobs[source]

Creates a Jobs instance from a dictionary.

classmethod from_interviews(interview_list)[source]

Return a Jobs instance from a list of interviews.

This is useful when you have, say, a list of failed interviews and you want to create a new job with only those interviews.


Return the HTML representations for each scenario

interviews() list[Interview][source]

Return a list of objects.

It returns one Interview for each combination of Agent, Scenario, and LanguageModel. If any of Agents, Scenarios, or LanguageModels are missing, it fills in with defaults.

>>> from import Jobs
>>> j = Jobs.example()
>>> len(j.interviews())
>>> j.interviews()[0]
Interview(agent = Agent(traits = {'status': 'Joyful'}), survey = Survey(...), scenario = Scenario({'period': 'morning'}), model = Model(...))
property models[source]
prompts() Dataset[source]

Return a Dataset of prompts that will be used.

>>> from import Jobs
>>> Jobs.example().prompts()
property raise_validation_errors[source]

Print a rich representation of the Jobs instance.

run(n: int = 1, progress_bar: bool = False, stop_on_exception: bool = False, cache: Cache | bool = None, check_api_keys: bool = False, sidecar_model: LanguageModel | None = None, verbose: bool = True, print_exceptions=True, remote_cache_description: str | None = None, remote_inference_description: str | None = None, remote_inference_results_visibility: Literal['private', 'public', 'unlisted'] | None = 'unlisted', skip_retry: bool = False, raise_validation_errors: bool = False, disable_remote_cache: bool = False, disable_remote_inference: bool = False) Results[source]

Runs the Job: conducts Interviews and returns their results.

  • n – How many times to run each interview

  • progress_bar – Whether to show a progress bar

  • stop_on_exception – Stops the job if an exception is raised

  • cache – A Cache object to store results

  • check_api_keys – Raises an error if API keys are invalid

  • verbose – Prints extra messages

  • remote_cache_description – Specifies a description for this group of entries in the remote cache

  • remote_inference_description – Specifies a description for the remote inference job

  • remote_inference_results_visibility – The initial visibility of the Results object on Coop. This will only be used for remote jobs!

  • disable_remote_cache – If True, the job will not use remote cache. This only works for local jobs!

  • disable_remote_inference – If True, the job will not use remote inference

async run_async(cache=None, n=1, disable_remote_inference: bool = False, remote_inference_description: str | None = None, remote_inference_results_visibility: Literal['private', 'public', 'unlisted'] | None = 'unlisted', **kwargs)[source]

Run the job asynchronously, either locally or remotely.

  • cache – Cache object or boolean

  • n – Number of iterations

  • disable_remote_inference – If True, forces local execution

  • remote_inference_description – Description for remote jobs

  • remote_inference_results_visibility – Visibility setting for remote results

  • kwargs – Additional arguments passed to local execution


Results object

property scenarios[source]
show_prompts(all=False) None[source]

Print the prompts.

property skip_retry[source]

This method should be implemented by subclasses.

use_remote_cache(disable_remote_cache: bool) bool[source][source]

Run the module’s doctests.

JobsRunner class

JobsRunnerStatusMixin class
