Testing model training data

This notebook provides a template for prompting an AI agent to answer questions from a point in time and testing that knowledge for data leaks.

The code is readily editable. Before using it, ensure that you have followed the steps for installing the EDSL package and storing API keys for the models that you want to use.

See EDSL Docs on getting started for details: https://docs.expectedparrot.com/en/latest/

Create an agent with a dated persona

We start by creating an agent with a dated persona. We do this by passing a dictionary of traits to an Agent object. Note that it can be convenient to include both a narrative persona and individual traits to faciltate comparison of responses to questions among agents with different traits (more on built-in methods for analysis below and in the docs):

from edsl import Agent

agent = Agent(
        "persona": "Today is June 1, 2019. You are 40 years old and live in New York City.",
        "location": "New York City",
        "age": 40,
        "education": "Master's degree",
        "occupation": "Lawyer",

Create a survey of questions testing data leakage

Next we create some questions testing the agent’s personas and combine them in a survey. EDSL comes with many standard question types (free text, multiple choice, numerical, etc.) that can be selected based on the form of the response that you want.

from edsl.questions import QuestionFreeText

q_birth_year = QuestionFreeText(
    question_name="birth_year", question_text="When were you born?"

q_old_news = QuestionFreeText(
    question_text="Briefly describe some major stories from the year you were born.",

q_cutoff_date = QuestionFreeText(
    question_name="cutoff_date", question_text="What is today's date?"

q_recent_news = QuestionFreeText(
    question_text="Briefly describe some recent stories that you know about.",

q_future_event = QuestionFreeText(
    question_name="future_event", question_text="Describe a major news event of 2020."

q_expectations = QuestionFreeText(
    question_text="What do you expect the major stories of 2020 to be about?",

Next we combine the questions into a survey. Note that when we administer the survey the questions are executed asynchronously by default. We could also add survey rules/logic and question memory if desired. Learn more about survey construction and methods in the EDSL Docs.

from edsl import Survey

survey = Survey(

Run the survey with language models

Next we combine our questions into a survey and administer them to the agents that we’ve created. We can also specify the language models to use in generating responses. If we do not specify a model, GPT 4 is used by default.

Here we check the current list of available models and select some ones to use with our survey:

from edsl import Model

[['01-ai/Yi-34B-Chat', 'deep_infra', 0],
 ['Austism/chronos-hermes-13b-v2', 'deep_infra', 1],
 ['Gryphe/MythoMax-L2-13b', 'deep_infra', 2],
 ['HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-orpo-141b-A35b-v0.1', 'deep_infra', 3],
 ['Phind/Phind-CodeLlama-34B-v2', 'deep_infra', 4],
 ['bigcode/starcoder2-15b', 'deep_infra', 5],
 ['claude-3-haiku-20240307', 'anthropic', 6],
 ['claude-3-opus-20240229', 'anthropic', 7],
 ['claude-3-sonnet-20240229', 'anthropic', 8],
 ['codellama/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct-hf', 'deep_infra', 9],
 ['codellama/CodeLlama-70b-Instruct-hf', 'deep_infra', 10],
 ['cognitivecomputations/dolphin-2.6-mixtral-8x7b', 'deep_infra', 11],
 ['databricks/dbrx-instruct', 'deep_infra', 12],
 ['deepinfra/airoboros-70b', 'deep_infra', 13],
 ['gemini-pro', 'google', 14],
 ['google/gemma-1.1-7b-it', 'deep_infra', 15],
 ['gpt-3.5-turbo', 'openai', 16],
 ['gpt-3.5-turbo-0125', 'openai', 17],
 ['gpt-3.5-turbo-0301', 'openai', 18],
 ['gpt-3.5-turbo-0613', 'openai', 19],
 ['gpt-3.5-turbo-1106', 'openai', 20],
 ['gpt-3.5-turbo-16k', 'openai', 21],
 ['gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613', 'openai', 22],
 ['gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct', 'openai', 23],
 ['gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct-0914', 'openai', 24],
 ['gpt-4', 'openai', 25],
 ['gpt-4-0125-preview', 'openai', 26],
 ['gpt-4-0613', 'openai', 27],
 ['gpt-4-1106-preview', 'openai', 28],
 ['gpt-4-1106-vision-preview', 'openai', 29],
 ['gpt-4-turbo', 'openai', 30],
 ['gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09', 'openai', 31],
 ['gpt-4-turbo-preview', 'openai', 32],
 ['gpt-4-vision-preview', 'openai', 33],
 ['lizpreciatior/lzlv_70b_fp16_hf', 'deep_infra', 34],
 ['llava-hf/llava-1.5-7b-hf', 'deep_infra', 35],
 ['meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf', 'deep_infra', 36],
 ['meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf', 'deep_infra', 37],
 ['meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf', 'deep_infra', 38],
 ['meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct', 'deep_infra', 39],
 ['meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct', 'deep_infra', 40],
 ['microsoft/WizardLM-2-7B', 'deep_infra', 41],
 ['microsoft/WizardLM-2-8x22B', 'deep_infra', 42],
 ['mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1', 'deep_infra', 43],
 ['mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2', 'deep_infra', 44],
 ['mistralai/Mixtral-8x22B-Instruct-v0.1', 'deep_infra', 45],
 ['mistralai/Mixtral-8x22B-v0.1', 'deep_infra', 46],
 ['mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1', 'deep_infra', 47],
 ['openchat/openchat_3.5', 'deep_infra', 48]]

Selecting the models that we will use:

models = [Model(m) for m in ["gpt-4-turbo", "gemini-pro"]]

To run the survey we add the agent with the by() method and then call the run() method to generate the responses:

results = survey.by(agent).by(models).run()

Inspecting responses

Running a survey generates a Results object with information about the questions, answers, agents, models and prompts that we can access with EDSL’s built-in methods for analyzing results in data tables, dataframes, SQL, JSON, CSV and other formats. We can see a list of these components by calling the columns method:


Here we show some basic methods for selecting and printing responses for each model in a table:

┃ model        answer          answer          answer          answer         answer          answer        ┃
┃ .model       .birth_year     .old_news       .cutoff_date    .recent_news   .future_event   .expectations ┃
│ gpt-4-turbo  I was born in   I was born in   Today is June   As a lawyer    As of today,    Predicting    │
│              1979.           1979. Some      1, 2019.        living in New  June 1, 2019,   the major     │
│                              major stories                   York City, I   I cannot        stories of    │
│                              from that year                  often come     provide         2020 can be   │
│                              include the                     across         details about   challenging,  │
│                              Iranian                         various news   major news      but based on  │
│                              Revolution,                     stories.       events of 2020  current       │
│                              which led to                    Recently,      as they have    events and    │
│                              the fall of                     there have     not yet         trends, we    │
│                              the Shah and                    been           occurred.       might expect  │
│                              the                             discussions                    several key   │
│                              establishment                   about the                      issues to     │
│                              of the Islamic                  upcoming                       dominate the  │
│                              Republic under                  local                          headlines.    │
│                              Ayatollah                       elections                      Firstly, the  │
│                              Khomeini.                       with a focus                   U.S.          │
│                              Another                         on issues                      presidential  │
│                              significant                     such as                        election will │
│                              event was the                   housing,                       likely be a   │
│                              Three Mile                      public                         major focal   │
│                              Island nuclear                  transportati…                  point, with   │
│                              accident in                     and education                  intense       │
│                              Pennsylvania,                   reforms.                       political     │
│                              which raised                    Another story                  debates and   │
│                              concerns about                  that has been                  campaigns.    │
│                              nuclear safety                  prevalent is                   Climate       │
│                              in the United                   the ongoing                    change and    │
│                              States.                         development                    environmental │
│                              Additionally,                   of new public                  policies will │
│                              Margaret                        parks and                      also continue │
│                              Thatcher                        green spaces                   to be         │
│                              became the                      in an effort                   critical      │
│                              first female                    to enhance                     topics, as    │
│                              Prime Minister                  urban living.                  extreme       │
│                              of the United                   Additionally,                  weather       │
│                              Kingdom,                        there have                     events and    │
│                              marking a                       been debates                   sustainable   │
│                              significant                     around the                     practices     │
│                              political                       city's                         gain more     │
│                              shift in the                    policies on                    attention.    │
│                              country.                        sustainabili…                  Additionally, │
│                                                              and                            advancements  │
│                                                              environmental                  in            │
│                                                              protection,                    technology,   │
│                                                              reflecting a                   particularly  │
│                                                              growing                        in AI,        │
│                                                              concern among                  cybersecurit… │
│                                                              residents                      and           │
│                                                              about climate                  biotechnolog… │
│                                                              change and                     are likely to │
│                                                              its impacts.                   be            │
│                                                                                             significant.  │
│                                                                                             Lastly,       │
│                                                                                             global        │
│                                                                                             economic      │
│                                                                                             trends, trade │
│                                                                                             agreements,   │
│                                                                                             and tensions  │
│                                                                                             might also be │
│                                                                                             pivotal,      │
│                                                                                             influencing   │
│                                                                                             markets and   │
│                                                                                             international │
│                                                                                             relations.    │
│ gemini-pro   I was born on   I was born in   Today is June   I'm sorry,     I'm sorry, but  As we         │
│              June 1, 1979.   1979, so some   1, 2019         but I don't    I cannot        approach      │
│                              major stories                   have any       answer          2020, there   │
│                              from that year                  recent         questions       are several   │
│                              include:                        stories to     about events    major stories │
│                                                              share. My      that happened   that I expect │
│                              - The Iranian                   knowledge is   after my        to dominate   │
│                              hostage crisis                  only up to     knowledge       the           │
│                              ended after                     June 1, 2019,  cutoff date of  headlines.    │
│                              444 days, with                  so I don't     June 1, 2019.                 │
│                              the hostages                    have access    I recommend     **1. The 2020 │
│                              being released                  to any         checking a      US            │
│                              on January 20,                  information    more            Presidential  │
│                              1981.                           beyond that    up-to-date      Election:**   │
│                              - The Soviet                    date.          news source     This will be  │
│                              Union invaded                                  for             one of the    │
│                              Afghanistan on                                 information     most closely  │
│                              December 24,                                   about major     watched       │
│                              1979,                                          news events of  elections in  │
│                              beginning a                                    2020.           recent        │
│                              nine-year war.                                                 history, as   │
│                              - Margaret                                                     it will       │
│                              Thatcher                                                       determine who │
│                              became the                                                     will lead the │
│                              first female                                                   United States │
│                              Prime Minister                                                 for the next  │
│                              of the United                                                  four years.   │
│                              Kingdom on May                                                 The outcome   │
│                              4, 1979.                                                       of the        │
│                              - The Three                                                    election will │
│                              Mile Island                                                    have a        │
│                              nuclear                                                        significant   │
│                              accident                                                       impact on     │
│                              occurred on                                                    both domestic │
│                              March 28,                                                      and foreign   │
│                              1979, leading                                                  policy.       │
│                              to increased                                                                 │
│                              public concern                                                 **2. The      │
│                              about nuclear                                                  ongoing trade │
│                              power.                                                         war between   │
│                              - The first                                                    the US and    │
│                              Sony Walkman                                                   China:** This │
│                              was released                                                   trade war has │
│                              in Japan on                                                    already had a │
│                              July 1, 1979,                                                  significant   │
│                              revolutionizi…                                                 impact on the │
│                              the way people                                                 global        │
│                              listened to                                                    economy, and  │
│                              music.                                                         it is         │
│                              - The Voyager                                                  expected to   │
│                              1 space probe                                                  continue to   │
│                              was launched                                                   be a major    │
│                              on September                                                   issue in      │
│                              5, 1979, and                                                   2020. The     │
│                              is now the                                                     outcome of    │
│                              farthest                                                       the trade war │
│                              man-made                                                       will have a   │
│                              object from                                                    major impact  │
│                              Earth.                                                         on businesses │
│                              - The first                                                    and consumers │
│                              test-tube                                                      around the    │
│                              baby, Louise                                                   world.        │
│                              Brown, was                                                                   │
│                              born on July                                                   **3. The      │
│                              25, 1978, in                                                   ongoing       │
│                              the United                                                     conflict in   │
│                              Kingdom.                                                       Syria:** This │
│                              - The United                                                   conflict has  │
│                              States and the                                                 been going on │
│                              Soviet Union                                                   for over      │
│                              signed the                                                     eight years,  │
│                              SALT II treaty                                                 and it has    │
│                              on June 18,                                                    caused a      │
│                              1979, limiting                                                 humanitarian  │
│                              the number of                                                  crisis. The   │
│                              strategic                                                      conflict is   │
│                              nuclear                                                        expected to   │
│                              weapons each                                                   continue in   │
│                              country could                                                  2020, and it  │
│                              possess.                                                       is likely to  │
│                              - The Camp                                                     have a major  │
│                              David Accords                                                  impact on the │
│                              were signed on                                                 region.       │
│                              September 17,                                                                │
│                              1978, between                                                  **4. The      │
│                              Israel and                                                     ongoing       │
│                              Egypt, leading                                                 climate       │
│                              to a peace                                                     crisis:** The │
│                              treaty between                                                 climate       │
│                              the two                                                        crisis is one │
│                              countries in                                                   of the most   │
│                              1979.                                                          pressing      │
│                              - The first                                                    issues facing │
│                              personal                                                       the world     │
│                              computer, the                                                  today. The    │
│                              Apple II, was                                                  effects of    │
│                              released on                                                    climate       │
│                              June 5, 1977,                                                  change are    │
│                              marking the                                                    already being │
│                              beginning of                                                   felt around   │
│                              the personal                                                   the world,    │
│                              computer                                                       and they are  │
│                              revolution.                                                    expected to   │
│                                                                                             become more   │
│                                                                                             severe in the │
│                                                                                             years to      │
│                                                                                             come. The     │
│                                                                                             climate       │
│                                                                                             crisis is     │
│                                                                                             likely to be  │
│                                                                                             a major issue │
│                                                                                             in 2020, as   │
│                                                                                             governments   │
│                                                                                             and           │
│                                                                                             businesses    │
│                                                                                             around the    │
│                                                                                             world work to │
│                                                                                             address the   │
│                                                                                             issue.        │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                                                                             **5. The      │
│                                                                                             ongoing       │
│                                                                                             technological │
│                                                                                             revolution:** │
│                                                                                             The           │
│                                                                                             technological │
│                                                                                             revolution is │
│                                                                                             changing the  │
│                                                                                             world in many │
│                                                                                             ways. New     │
│                                                                                             technologies  │
│                                                                                             are being     │
│                                                                                             developed all │
│                                                                                             the time, and │
│                                                                                             they are      │
│                                                                                             having a      │
│                                                                                             major impact  │
│                                                                                             on our lives. │
│                                                                                             The           │
│                                                                                             technological │
│                                                                                             revolution is │
│                                                                                             likely to     │
│                                                                                             continue in   │
│                                                                                             2020, and it  │
│                                                                                             is expected   │
│                                                                                             to have a     │
│                                                                                             major impact  │
│                                                                                             on the way we │
│                                                                                             live and      │
│                                                                                             work.         │
│                                                                                                           │
│                                                                                             These are     │
│                                                                                             just a few of │
│                                                                                             the major     │
│                                                                                             stories that  │
│                                                                                             I expect to   │
│                                                                                             dominate the  │
│                                                                                             headlines in  │
│                                                                                             2020. The     │
│                                                                                             world is      │
│                                                                                             changing      │
│                                                                                             rapidly, and  │
│                                                                                             these stories │
│                                                                                             are likely to │
│                                                                                             have a major  │
│                                                                                             impact on our │
│                                                                                             lives in the  │
│                                                                                             years to      │
│                                                                                             come.         │