
Coop is a free platform for creating, storing and sharing AI-based research. It is fully integrated with EDSL, allowing you to post, store and retrieve any objects that you’ve created with EDSL, together with data, notebooks and other project content. You can also explore public content and collaborate on projects privately with other users:

View your content at the Coop

Your Coop account also provides access to features for running EDSL surveys and storing results remotely at the Expected Parrot server. Learn more about these features in the Remote Inference and Remote Caching sections of the documentation.

Getting started

1. Create an account

Sign up with an email address.

Your account comes with an Expected Parrot API key that allows you to:

  • Post and share content at Coop

  • Run surveys at the Expected Parrot server

  • Use any available models with your surveys

  • Use remote caching for your responses

You can inspect your key and reset it at any time at your Settings page:

Remote inference settings and Expected Parrot API key

2. Store your Expected Parrot API key

When remote inference is activated, your survey jobs and results are automatically stored at the Expected Parrot server and accessible at the Remote inference page of your account.

You can also post objects to Coop from your workspace, such as Surveys, Agents and Notebooks. To do this, you first need to create a file named .env in your EDSL working directory and store your key in it using the following format:

EXPECTED_PARROT_API_KEY = 'your_key_here'

3. Post objects to Coop

Post objects to the Coop using the module and methods. You can set the visibility status of an object when you post it to the Coop or update it later. There are 3 status options:

  • public: Visible to everyone

  • private: Visible to logged in users that you have granted access

  • unlisted: Visible to anyone with the link but not listed in search results (default)

See below for details on setting and changing the visibility of an object, and examples of methods for uploading, downloading, updating and deleting content at Coop.

4. Explore content

Navigate to your Coop content page to see content that you have uploaded:

View your content at the Coop

Search other for other users’ public content at the Explore tab, and copy code and examples to modify or rerun at your workspace.



There are 2 methods for uploading/posting an object to Coop:

  1. Calling the push() method on the object directly

  2. Calling the create() method on a Coop client object and passing it the object

You can optionally pass a description and a visibility status at the same time: public, private or unlisted (default). These can be changed at any time.

Direct method

Here we post a question object by calling the push() method on it:

from edsl import QuestionFreeText

q = QuestionFreeText(
  question_name = "example",
  question_text = "How are you today?"


This will return information about the object that has been posted, including the URL for viewing it at the Coop web app and the uuid for the object which you can use to access it later. We can see that the object is unlisted by default:

{'description': None,
'object_type': 'question',
'url': '',
'uuid': '6fb9360c-777d-47cf-bff2-ca80d5787b28',
'version': '0.1.43.dev1',
'visibility': 'unlisted'}

Here we post the same object with a description and visibility:

from edsl import QuestionFreeText

q = QuestionFreeText(
  question_name = "example",
  question_text = "How are you today?"

q.push(description="This is an example question", visibility="public")

We can see the description and visibility status that we specified in the information that is returned:

{'description': 'This is an example question',
'object_type': 'question',
'url': '',
'uuid': '438e9107-522e-44f2-92e3-925e18da93d1',
'version': '0.1.43.dev1',
'visibility': 'public'}

Using a Coop client

Here we post the same question by passing it to the create() method of a Coop client object:

from edsl import Coop, QuestionFreeText

q = QuestionFreeText(
  question_name = "example",
  question_text = "How are you today?"
c = Coop()

Here we include a description and visibility status:

from edsl import Coop, QuestionFreeText

q = QuestionFreeText(
  question_name = "example",
  question_text = "How are you today?"
c = Coop()
c.create(object=q, description="This is an example question", visibility="public")

This will return the same information about the object as the direct method shown above (with a unique uuid and URL for viewing the object at the Coop web app).


There are 3 methods for updating/editing an object to the Coop:

  1. Editing the object at the Coop web app

  2. Calling the patch() method on the object directly

  3. Calling the patch() method on a Coop client object

For each patch() method, pass the uuid of the object and the parameter(s) that you want to update: description, visibility and/or value.

  • The description parameter is used to update the description of an object, such as a question or survey.

  • The visibility parameter is used to update the visibility of an object: public, private or unlisted.

  • The value parameter is used to update the content of an object, such as the text of a question or the code in a notebook.

At the Coop web app

You can manually update the description or visibility of an object at the Coop web app. Navigate to the Explore page and open the page view for an object. You can select options to change the visibility of the object (public, private or unlisted) or to edit the description:

Page view of an object at Coop

Direct method

Here we update the description and visibility of the question we created and uploaded in the examples above by calling the patch() method on it:

        description="This is an updated question",

This will return a status message:

{'status': 'success'}

Here we change the question itself by modifying the value parameter:

from edsl import QuestionMultipleChoice

new_q = QuestionMultipleChoice(
  question_name = "example",
  question_text = "How are you today?",
  question_options = ["Good", "Bad", "OK"]

Using a Coop client

Here we do the same using a Coop client object:

from edsl import Coop

c = Coop()
        description="This is an updated question",

This will return the same status message as above.

Replicating / Downloading

There are a variety of methods for replicating or downloading an object at the Coop:

  1. Selecting options to download or copy code at the Coop web app

  2. Calling the pull() method on the class of the object

  3. Calling the get() method on a Coop client object

Copy code at the Coop web app

The Coop web app provides copyable code for downloading or reconstructing an object that has been posted:

  • Navigate to the Explore page and select an object

  • Go to the object’s page

  • Select the option to Download the object


  • Select the option to Pull the object using its uuid or Raw to get the code for constructing the object:

Get code for pulling or reconstructing an object on the Coop

Get code for reconstructing an object on the Coop

Use this code in your workspace to download the object locally or to reconstruct it.

Class method

Here we download the question posted above by calling the pull() method on the object class (Question) and passing the uuid of the object:

from edsl import Question

q = Question.pull("438e9107-522e-44f2-92e3-925e18da93d1")

This will return the object (the multiple choice question question that replaced the free text question):






How are you today?









Using a Coop client

Here we download the question by calling the get() method on a Coop client object:

from edsl import Coop

c = Coop()
q = c.get(uuid="438e9107-522e-44f2-92e3-925e18da93d1")

This will return the same object as above.


There are 3 methods for deleting an object from the Coop:

  1. Selecting options to delete at the Coop web app

  2. Calling the delete() method on the class of the object

  3. Calling the delete() method on a Coop client object

At the Coop web app

You can manually delete objects at the Coop web app:

  • Navigate to Explore and open an object’s page view (see image above for Uploading content)

  • Select the option to delete the object:

Delete an object on the Coop


Here we delete a question object by calling the delete() method on the class of the object (Question) and passing the uuid of the object:

from edsl import Question


This will return a status message:

{'status': 'success'}

Using a Coop client

Here we delete a question by calling the delete() method on a Coop client object, passing the uuid of the object:

from edsl import Coop

c = Coop()

This will return the same status message as above (so long as the object was not already deleted).

Feature requests

If you have a feature request for the Coop, please let us know! There are several ways to do this: