Exploring real world survey contexts

This notebook explores ways of specifying “contexts” in which an EDSL survey is administered to AI agents in order to investigate potential impacts to simulated responses. We show how to do this in three different ways by modifying our Question texts and Agent traits in order to reflect various hypothetical real world contexts.

EDSL is an open-source library for simulating surveys, experiments and other research with AI agents and large language models. Before running the code below, please ensure that you have installed the EDSL library and either activated remote inference from your Coop account or stored API keys for the language models that you want to use with EDSL. Please also see our documentation page for tips and tutorials on getting started using EDSL.

Thank you to Sophia Kazinnik for this idea and helpful suggestions!

Importing the tools

from edsl import QuestionLinearScale, Scenario, ScenarioList, Agent, AgentList, Survey, Model

Selecting a model

Here we show the available language models and select one:

# Model.available()
m = Model("gpt-4o")

Creating some contexts for our survey

Here we identify some example contexts to use in administering our survey:

respondent_ages = [
    "You are a teenager (13-19 years old).",
    "You are college age (20-24 years old).",
    "You are a young adult (25-39 years old).",
    "You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).",
    "You are a senior citizen (60 or more years old).",

survey_contexts = [
    "You are answering an online survey.",
    "You are being interviewed by a researcher.",
    "You are participating in a focus group of peers.",
    "You are participating in a focus group of people of all ages and backgrounds.",

Adding contexts to question texts

We can apply contexts by creating versions of our questions where each context is inserted directly into the question texts as a Scenario of the question:

q_exercise = QuestionLinearScale(
    question_text="How many times do you typically exercise each week? ({{age}} {{context}})",
    question_options=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],

q_dessert = QuestionLinearScale(
    question_text="How many times do you typically eat dessert each week?  ({{age}} {{context}})",
    question_options=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],

survey = Survey(questions = [q_exercise, q_dessert])
scenarios = ScenarioList(
    Scenario({"age": a, "context": c}) for a in respondent_ages for c in survey_contexts
results = survey.by(scenarios).by(m).run()
results.select("age", "context", "exercise", "dessert").print()
scenario.age scenario.context answer.exercise answer.dessert
You are middle-aged (40-59 years old). You are participating in a focus group of peers. 3 2
You are a young adult (25-39 years old). 3 2
You are college age (20-24 years old). You are participating in a focus group of people of all ages and backgrounds. 3 3
You are a senior citizen (60 or more years old). You are participating in a focus group of peers. 3 2
You are middle-aged (40-59 years old). You are participating in a focus group of people of all ages and backgrounds. 3 2
You are a teenager (13-19 years old). You are answering an online survey. 4 3
You are college age (20-24 years old). You are being interviewed by a researcher. 3 3
You are a senior citizen (60 or more years old). You are answering an online survey. 3 2
You are a teenager (13-19 years old). You are participating in a focus group of people of all ages and backgrounds. 3 4
You are college age (20-24 years old). 3 3
You are a young adult (25-39 years old). You are being interviewed by a researcher. 3 3
You are a senior citizen (60 or more years old). You are participating in a focus group of people of all ages and backgrounds. 3 2
You are a teenager (13-19 years old). 3 3
You are a senior citizen (60 or more years old). 3 0
You are a senior citizen (60 or more years old). You are being interviewed by a researcher. 3 3
You are a young adult (25-39 years old). You are participating in a focus group of people of all ages and backgrounds. 3 3
You are middle-aged (40-59 years old). You are answering an online survey. 3 2
You are a young adult (25-39 years old). You are answering an online survey. 3 3
You are a teenager (13-19 years old). You are participating in a focus group of peers. 3 3
You are middle-aged (40-59 years old). 3 3
You are a teenager (13-19 years old). You are being interviewed by a researcher. 3 3
You are college age (20-24 years old). You are participating in a focus group of peers. 3 3
You are middle-aged (40-59 years old). You are being interviewed by a researcher. 3 3
You are college age (20-24 years old). You are answering an online survey. 3 3
You are a young adult (25-39 years old). You are participating in a focus group of peers. 4 2

Adding context to agent traits

Another method is to specify agent traits and survey contexts via Agent traits instead of the question texts:

q_exercise = QuestionLinearScale(
    question_text="How many times do you exercise each week?",
    question_options=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],

q_dessert = QuestionLinearScale(
    question_text="How many times do you eat dessert each week?",
    question_options=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],

survey = Survey([q_exercise, q_dessert])
agents = AgentList(
    Agent(traits={"age": a, "context": c})
    for a in respondent_ages
    for c in survey_contexts
results = survey.by(agents).by(m).run()
results.select("age", "context", "exercise", "dessert").print(format="rich")
┃ agent                                       agent                                        answer     answer   ┃
┃ .age                                        .context                                     .exercise  .dessert ┃
│ You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).      You are being interviewed by a researcher.   3          3        │
│ You are college age (20-24 years old).      You are answering an online survey.          4          3        │
│ You are a teenager (13-19 years old).       You are participating in a focus group of    3          3        │
│                                             peers.                                                           │
│ You are a young adult (25-39 years old).    You are being interviewed by a researcher.   4          3        │
│ You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).                                                   4          3        │
│ You are a young adult (25-39 years old).                                                 4          3        │
│ You are a senior citizen (60 or more years  You are participating in a focus group of    3          3        │
│ old).                                       peers.                                                           │
│ You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).      You are participating in a focus group of    4          3        │
│                                             people of all ages and backgrounds.                              │
│ You are a teenager (13-19 years old).                                                    4          4        │
│ You are a young adult (25-39 years old).    You are answering an online survey.          4          3        │
│ You are a young adult (25-39 years old).    You are participating in a focus group of    4          3        │
│                                             peers.                                                           │
│ You are a senior citizen (60 or more years  You are answering an online survey.          3          3        │
│ old).                                                                                                        │
│ You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).      You are answering an online survey.          3          3        │
│ You are college age (20-24 years old).      You are participating in a focus group of    4          3        │
│                                             peers.                                                           │
│ You are a teenager (13-19 years old).       You are answering an online survey.          4          3        │
│ You are college age (20-24 years old).      You are participating in a focus group of    3          3        │
│                                             people of all ages and backgrounds.                              │
│ You are a senior citizen (60 or more years                                               3          3        │
│ old).                                                                                                        │
│ You are college age (20-24 years old).      You are being interviewed by a researcher.   4          3        │
│ You are a young adult (25-39 years old).    You are participating in a focus group of    5          3        │
│                                             people of all ages and backgrounds.                              │
│ You are a teenager (13-19 years old).       You are participating in a focus group of    3          3        │
│                                             people of all ages and backgrounds.                              │
│ You are a senior citizen (60 or more years  You are being interviewed by a researcher.   3          3        │
│ old).                                                                                                        │
│ You are a senior citizen (60 or more years  You are participating in a focus group of    3          2        │
│ old).                                       people of all ages and backgrounds.                              │
│ You are college age (20-24 years old).                                                   3          4        │
│ You are a teenager (13-19 years old).       You are being interviewed by a researcher.   3          3        │
│ You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).      You are participating in a focus group of    3          3        │
│                                             peers.                                                           │

Adding contexts to question texts and agent traits

Here we use both Agent traits and Scenario contexts in the question texts:

q_exercise = QuestionLinearScale(
    question_text="How many times do you exercise each week? ({{context}})",
    question_options=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],

q_dessert = QuestionLinearScale(
    question_text="How many times do you eat dessert each week? ({{context}})",
    question_options=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],

survey = Survey([q_exercise, q_dessert])
scenarios = ScenarioList.from_list("context", survey_contexts)
agents = AgentList(
    Agent(traits={"age": a}) for a in respondent_ages
results = survey.by(scenarios).by(agents).by(m).run()
results.select("age", "context", "exercise", "dessert").print(format="rich")
┃ agent                                       scenario                                     answer     answer   ┃
┃ .age                                        .context                                     .exercise  .dessert ┃
│ You are college age (20-24 years old).      You are being interviewed by a researcher.   4          3        │
│ You are a teenager (13-19 years old).       You are being interviewed by a researcher.   3          4        │
│ You are college age (20-24 years old).      You are participating in a focus group of    4          3        │
│                                             people of all ages and backgrounds.                              │
│ You are college age (20-24 years old).                                                   3          3        │
│ You are a young adult (25-39 years old).    You are being interviewed by a researcher.   4          3        │
│ You are a teenager (13-19 years old).       You are participating in a focus group of    3          3        │
│                                             peers.                                                           │
│ You are a young adult (25-39 years old).    You are participating in a focus group of    4          3        │
│                                             peers.                                                           │
│ You are college age (20-24 years old).      You are participating in a focus group of    3          3        │
│                                             peers.                                                           │
│ You are a teenager (13-19 years old).                                                    4          4        │
│ You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).      You are being interviewed by a researcher.   4          3        │
│ You are a senior citizen (60 or more years  You are participating in a focus group of    3          2        │
│ old).                                       people of all ages and backgrounds.                              │
│ You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).      You are participating in a focus group of    3          3        │
│                                             peers.                                                           │
│ You are a young adult (25-39 years old).                                                 5          3        │
│ You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).      You are participating in a focus group of    3          3        │
│                                             people of all ages and backgrounds.                              │
│ You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).      You are answering an online survey.          4          3        │
│ You are a senior citizen (60 or more years  You are answering an online survey.          3          3        │
│ old).                                                                                                        │
│ You are college age (20-24 years old).      You are answering an online survey.          4          3        │
│ You are a young adult (25-39 years old).    You are participating in a focus group of    5          3        │
│                                             people of all ages and backgrounds.                              │
│ You are a senior citizen (60 or more years  You are participating in a focus group of    3          2        │
│ old).                                       peers.                                                           │
│ You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).                                                   4          3        │
│ You are a teenager (13-19 years old).       You are participating in a focus group of    4          4        │
│                                             people of all ages and backgrounds.                              │
│ You are a young adult (25-39 years old).    You are answering an online survey.          4          3        │
│ You are a teenager (13-19 years old).       You are answering an online survey.          3          3        │
│ You are a senior citizen (60 or more years  You are being interviewed by a researcher.   3          3        │
│ old).                                                                                                        │
│ You are a senior citizen (60 or more years                                               3          3        │
│ old).                                                                                                        │

Compare prompts

We can compare the prompts that we used which are accessible as fields of the results:

prompt.dessert_system_prompt prompt.exercise_system_prompt prompt.exercise_user_prompt prompt.dessert_user_prompt
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a teenager (13-19 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a teenager (13-19 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? () 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? () 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a teenager (13-19 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a teenager (13-19 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are answering an online survey.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are answering an online survey.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a teenager (13-19 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a teenager (13-19 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are being interviewed by a researcher.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are being interviewed by a researcher.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a teenager (13-19 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a teenager (13-19 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are participating in a focus group of peers.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are participating in a focus group of peers.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a teenager (13-19 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a teenager (13-19 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are participating in a focus group of people of all ages and backgrounds.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are participating in a focus group of people of all ages and backgrounds.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are college age (20-24 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are college age (20-24 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? () 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? () 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are college age (20-24 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are college age (20-24 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are answering an online survey.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are answering an online survey.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are college age (20-24 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are college age (20-24 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are being interviewed by a researcher.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are being interviewed by a researcher.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are college age (20-24 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are college age (20-24 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are participating in a focus group of peers.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are participating in a focus group of peers.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are college age (20-24 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are college age (20-24 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are participating in a focus group of people of all ages and backgrounds.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are participating in a focus group of people of all ages and backgrounds.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a young adult (25-39 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a young adult (25-39 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? () 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? () 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a young adult (25-39 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a young adult (25-39 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are answering an online survey.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are answering an online survey.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a young adult (25-39 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a young adult (25-39 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are being interviewed by a researcher.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are being interviewed by a researcher.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a young adult (25-39 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a young adult (25-39 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are participating in a focus group of peers.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are participating in a focus group of peers.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a young adult (25-39 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a young adult (25-39 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are participating in a focus group of people of all ages and backgrounds.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are participating in a focus group of people of all ages and backgrounds.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? () 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? () 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are answering an online survey.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are answering an online survey.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are being interviewed by a researcher.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are being interviewed by a researcher.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are participating in a focus group of peers.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are participating in a focus group of peers.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are middle-aged (40-59 years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are participating in a focus group of people of all ages and backgrounds.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are participating in a focus group of people of all ages and backgrounds.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a senior citizen (60 or more years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a senior citizen (60 or more years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? () 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? () 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a senior citizen (60 or more years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a senior citizen (60 or more years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are answering an online survey.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are answering an online survey.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a senior citizen (60 or more years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a senior citizen (60 or more years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are being interviewed by a researcher.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are being interviewed by a researcher.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a senior citizen (60 or more years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a senior citizen (60 or more years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are participating in a focus group of peers.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are participating in a focus group of peers.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.
You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a senior citizen (60 or more years old).'} You are answering questions as if you were a human. Do not break character. You are an agent with the following persona: {'age': 'You are a senior citizen (60 or more years old).'} How many times do you exercise each week? (You are participating in a focus group of people of all ages and backgrounds.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. How many times do you eat dessert each week? (You are participating in a focus group of people of all ages and backgrounds.) 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with the code corresponding to one of the options. E.g., "1" or "5" by itself. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line.