Piping questions and answers

This notebook demonstrates how to pipe components of a question and answer into follow-on questions. When piping is used, survey questions are automatically administered in the order required to facilitate the piping (i.e., a question with components piped from another question will be administered later instead of asynchronously by default).

We also compare piping to methods for adding memory to surveys, which allow you to automatically add the context of specified questions to other question in a survey. Please see the surveys section of the docs for more details on each of the methods shown below.

Before running the code below, please see instructions on installing the EDSL library and storing API keys for language models.

We start by importing tools and constructing an initial question:

from edsl import QuestionMultipleChoice, QuestionFreeText, Survey, Model
q1 = QuestionMultipleChoice(
    question_name = "season",
    question_text = "What is your favorite season?",
    question_options = ["Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter"]

In our next question, we create {{ placeholders }} for the components of the first question that we want to include. The placeholders must include the question_name of the piped question and the name of the component (e.g., answer or comment):

q2_piping = QuestionFreeText(
    question_name = "piping",
    question_text = """
    You were previously asked '{{ season.question_text }}' and you answered: '{{ season.answer }}'
    You also provided this comment about your response: '{{ season.comment }}'
    What is your favorite activity during this season?

We combine the questions in a survey as usual:

survey_piping = Survey([q1, q2_piping])

Before running the survey, we can inspect the prompts for the questions by calling the show_prompts() method on the survey. We can see that the multiple choice question automatically includes answering instructions for the question type, and an instruction for the model to add a comment about its response which will be stored as a separate component in results (we will see this when the question is run). (The instruction to add a comment is automatically added to all question types other than free text and can be omitted by passing include_comment=False).

In the second question, we can see that the components of the first question text, answer and comment will be inserted. Note that there is no system prompt displayed in the prompts because we have not added any agents:

  user_prompt system_prompt interview_index question_name scenario_index agent_index model estimated_cost
0 What is your favorite season? Spring Summer Fall Winter Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with a string corresponding to one of the options. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. nan 0 season 0 0 gpt-4o 0.000692
1 You were previously asked 'What is your favorite season?' and you answered: '<>' You also provided this comment about your response: '<>' What is your favorite activity during this season? nan 0 piping 0 0 gpt-4o 0.000612

Inspecting completed prompts in results

Here we run the survey and inspect results, which also include the prompts that were used with the piped components:

results = survey_piping.run()
Job Status (2024-12-24 14:45:59)
Job UUID 3ce4d1d9-7230-45fe-82f1-1c08175bcae5
Progress Bar URL https://www.expectedparrot.com/home/remote-job-progress/3ce4d1d9-7230-45fe-82f1-1c08175bcae5
Error Report URL None
Results UUID 92063a7a-4879-401a-ab73-6347d62389cd
Results URL https://www.expectedparrot.com/content/92063a7a-4879-401a-ab73-6347d62389cd
Current Status: Job completed and Results stored on Coop: https://www.expectedparrot.com/content/92063a7a-4879-401a-ab73-6347d62389cd

To see a list of all the components of results:

0 agent.agent_instruction
1 agent.agent_name
2 answer.piping
3 answer.season
4 comment.piping_comment
5 comment.season_comment
6 generated_tokens.piping_generated_tokens
7 generated_tokens.season_generated_tokens
8 iteration.iteration
9 model.frequency_penalty
10 model.logprobs
11 model.max_tokens
12 model.model
13 model.presence_penalty
14 model.temperature
15 model.top_logprobs
16 model.top_p
17 prompt.piping_system_prompt
18 prompt.piping_user_prompt
19 prompt.season_system_prompt
20 prompt.season_user_prompt
21 question_options.piping_question_options
22 question_options.season_question_options
23 question_text.piping_question_text
24 question_text.season_question_text
25 question_type.piping_question_type
26 question_type.season_question_type
27 raw_model_response.piping_cost
28 raw_model_response.piping_one_usd_buys
29 raw_model_response.piping_raw_model_response
30 raw_model_response.season_cost
31 raw_model_response.season_one_usd_buys
32 raw_model_response.season_raw_model_response

To inspect the user prompts, which now include the piped components:

results.select("season_user_prompt", "piping_user_prompt")
  prompt.season_user_prompt prompt.piping_user_prompt
0 What is your favorite season? Spring Summer Fall Winter Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with a string corresponding to one of the options. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. You were previously asked 'What is your favorite season?' and you answered: 'Fall' You also provided this comment about your response: 'I chose fall because of the comfortable weather, beautiful foliage, and the sense of renewal and reflection it brings.' What is your favorite activity during this season?

Compare to memory rules

EDSL provides a variety of rules for automatically adding the context of one or more specified questions and answers to other questions in a survey. See the docs page for examples of all of these methods.

Here we create a different version of the second question (omitting piped components and context) and add a memory of the first question after combining them in a survey. Then we show how this impacts the prompts tha are generated:

q2_memory = QuestionFreeText(
    question_name = "memory",
    question_text = """
    What is your favorite activity during this season?
survey_memory = Survey([q1, q2_memory]).set_full_memory_mode()
  user_prompt system_prompt interview_index question_name scenario_index agent_index model estimated_cost
0 What is your favorite season? Spring Summer Fall Winter Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with a string corresponding to one of the options. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. nan 0 season 0 0 gpt-4o 0.000692
1 What is your favorite activity during this season? Before the question you are now answering, you already answered the following question(s): Question: What is your favorite season? Answer: None nan 0 memory 0 0 gpt-4o 0.000558

We can see that the following context has been added to the second question: “Before the question you are now answering, you already answered the following question(s): Question: What is your favorite season? Answer: None”

Note that this context does not include the comment field!

If multiple prior questions are added to memory they are added in the same way:

q3 = QuestionFreeText(
    question_name = "poem",
    question_text = "Write a poem about your favorite season."

Survey([q1, q2_memory, q3]).set_full_memory_mode().show_prompts()
  user_prompt system_prompt interview_index question_name scenario_index agent_index model estimated_cost
0 What is your favorite season? Spring Summer Fall Winter Only 1 option may be selected. Respond only with a string corresponding to one of the options. After the answer, you can put a comment explaining why you chose that option on the next line. nan 0 season 0 0 gpt-4o 0.000692
1 What is your favorite activity during this season? Before the question you are now answering, you already answered the following question(s): Question: What is your favorite season? Answer: None nan 0 memory 0 0 gpt-4o 0.000558
2 Write a poem about your favorite season. Before the question you are now answering, you already answered the following question(s): Question: What is your favorite season? Answer: None Prior questions and answers: Question: What is your favorite activity during this season? Answer: None nan 0 poem 0 0 gpt-4o 0.000798

Note that full memory can results in long question contexts when a survey consists of many questions. Before using a memory rule, we commend investigating impacts to the accuracy of responses by testing examples, and whether memory is needed for any particular question.

Posting to Coop

Here we post this notebook to Coop, and then show how to update the object at Coop. Learn more about using Coop to store files, surveys, results and projects.

from edsl import Notebook

n = Notebook("piping_comments.ipynb")
info = n.push(description = "Piping example")
{'description': 'Piping example',
 'object_type': 'notebook',
 'url': 'https://www.expectedparrot.com/content/84d3bd74-70ad-4f62-a311-34b0c31732a3',
 'uuid': '84d3bd74-70ad-4f62-a311-34b0c31732a3',
 'version': '0.1.39.dev2',
 'visibility': 'unlisted'}

Updating the notebook at Coop

n = Notebook("piping_comments.ipynb") # resave
n.patch(uuid = info["uuid"], value = n)
{'status': 'success'}